The Abuse of Human Rights and The War on Terror Bibliography The followings are the readings mentioned in the prompt section below. One is attached. https:

The Abuse of Human Rights and The War on Terror Bibliography The followings are the readings mentioned in the prompt section below. One is attached.…….…

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The Abuse of Human Rights and The War on Terror Bibliography The followings are the readings mentioned in the prompt section below. One is attached. https:
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Create a proposal for a piece of original and meaningful research based upon the following research prompt. Please note that we are not writing a research paper. We are writing a research proposal.


Choose three of our readings from this semester as well as one recent global event of significance (no, it doesn’t have to be COVID-19). Conduct a comprehensive critical analysis using your 3 selected readings as well as at least 10 other sources, ultimately demonstrating how your 3 selected texts clarify or illuminate the recent event about which you are writing.


The proposal project should include the following 3 sections:


This section should be a 250 word (minimum) description of your proposed research topic, including your hypothesis. Why is your research important? How does it expand/extend current research? What do you suspect the outcome of your research to be?


This section will be brief, likely one page only (250 words, perhaps even less), and will detail your approach to this topic. What types of sources will you seek? Why is your approach the most appropriate way to go about your research?

Annotated works cited:

This will be a list of potential sources for your proposed research. The list should be at least 13 sources long. Your 3 selected texts will be among these 13 sources. In other words, you only need to find 10 additional sources, which need not all be from our periodical databases. For each works cited entry, you should include a brief paragraph (3+ sentences) summarizing the source and another paragraph (3+ sentences) explaining how you expect the source to be useful to your research.

This alternative assignment definitely entails a good deal of work, but I believe you will find it fun as well as a nice break from the usual drudgery of writing papers (although I enjoy writing papers).

And here is an example that we can use.



Remnants of colonialism are present in every part of the world today. Societies such as Africa, India, and the United States, to name a few, were dominated by societies whose thoughts were driven by the certainty of what they believed to know. Their level of certainty was propelled by using their own culture as a standard of evaluating other cultures and people; this is known as ethnocentrism. These standards are often measured by the dominating country’s comparison of its own views versus another country or region’s economical, technological, and/ or social advancements. I believe that this is the heart of colonialism and its affects have become extremely detrimental in today’s post-colonial word. This proposal seeks to link social expectations and education implemented by European colonist to the direct impact colonial principles have had on language and one’s identity through language. I have decided to present these principles through the lens of the United States. My research further expands studies about the effects of colonialism in a post-colonial world. My primary focus is the assimilation that occurs because of colonial mentality. Its negative effects have forced millions to shed their language and culture to become part of a supposed superior culture. The importance of this research is to foster the significance of identity through Language. I hope that the outcome of my research sheds light on the power culture has in developing and creating the people we are. The language of our culture is key in sharing our principles and thus is essential in expressing ourselves. Hopeful with this, impacting nations can see the value of language and modify the education to a modification their belief to value all languages.


My approach in seeking information for my proposal is by evaluating past colonial practices, how those practices have found their way into the present, and how some societies are protecting language. I have sought historical sources to help exemplify colonial practices, while encyclopedias sources define terminology that refers to colonialism. Scholarly journals and journal of psychology provide motives for colonialism and the correlations between language and identity. Finally, a podcast, a Star Trek episode, scholarly reviews, and literary works provide commentary on historical events, firsthand accounts, arguments opposing views that are similar to the colonial mentality, and emphasis on the importance of identity through language. I felt that this was an appropriate way to obtain research on this topic because history is a starting point. It has documented where we have been and where we are going as a civilization.

Annotated Works Cited

Bennett, Edward M. “Colonialism and Neocolonialism.” Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy. Ed. Richard Dean Burns, Alexander DeConde, and Fredrik Logevall. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2002. 285-292. U.S. History in Context. Web. 3 May 2016.

This article defines the key elements of colonialism and neocolonialism. The article defines the practices of the United States when they implemented power over foreign and domestic peoples. Social Darwinism propelled the idea of the nation’s expansion west. Many Englishman believed that to expand west was to fulfill the basic needs of nature. In addition, they believe that the expansion was a sign of the survival of the fittest, therefore it was necessary to travel west. With the expansion of west, missionaries also saw the chance to spread the word of God and possible salvation of many more souls. The U.S. began to colonize in the late 19th century. Thereafter, it began to remove itself from the business of colonialism because it did not feel that it was practicing the values that the country was founded on. However, Imperialism was less harmful to U.S. values. Thus, imperialism was imposed on the economies of foreign nations. For the Europeans, the new age of imperialism was less violent and by that time many native cultures were eliminated. Most importantly this era was marked by technological achievements, only to reinforce the notion of European superiority among Europeans and native people. Finally, post colonialism brought with it independent movements. However, many of these state would continue to be influence by the colonizing nations even after they left.

The terms colonialism and neocolonialism have been a topic of conversation in our in class discussions. The terms link back to the Ngugi’s and Laye’s text. There are occasions that we believe we know what something is and are wrong. So to avoid any doubt or possible confusion, I wanted to supply the reader with definitions of key terms. It is important that these terms are properly defined because they set an overall theme for the text that we have read. Colonialism has been extremely impactful for the countries that have fallen victim to it. This article provides for my research, along with the definitions of key terms, the motives for colonialism and imperialism. The article is not limited to the U.S., but includes Europe, their influence on the U.S. and their power in foreign countries. Many of the negative affect that are mention in the article can tie back to the experience of colonialism found in our literary text.

Carlin, Dan. “The American Peril.” Audio blog post. Hardcore History. N.p., 25 July 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2016.

The American Peril episode discusses America’s rise to power and its place in the world, in relation to other nations. In the late 18th century, the world’s powerful countries viewed the United States as a weak nation that would never develop into anything greater than it was. This was because the state of the nation was judged on its most recent struggle with itself, the Civil War. The War cast an ill shadow on their domestic policies; therefore, nations that were more powerful did not see America as capable of executing plans outside of the country. During the Civil War, the agricultural nation became more industrialized and urbanized, it experienced an increase of immigration and different religions. Americans became uneasy because they believed the nation’s traditions were being threatened. In addition to the increase of industrialization, application of the sciences began to “pervert the minds” of the higher thinker in society. Social Darwinism was used everywhere, even in areas it could not be applied. Pseudoscience became the foundation of reason because observations between whites and people of color seemed to infer that “white people have the most developed societies and darker people don’t.” The superiority of whites over color people because of inferred difference in their societies created this sense of responsibility to these communities that were under developed.

The American Peril episode is my more favorable source because Dan Carlin eloquently describes the American moral dilemma: a nation whose principles do not parallel its actions. There are so many elements within this podcast to choose from that could help with my proposal. The United States felt that it need to establish its values on other nations to rise to power like the power house nations did before it. The pseudoscience that was developed and then practiced in the 19th century created what America is today. The nation fled from an oppressive king only to turn around and do the same to people who did not look the same, speak the same, or practice the same religion as traditional Americans. It is this application of incorrect reasoning, which creates a sense of certainty, and a self-proclaimed responsibility for helping the uncivilized.

Edmonds, Penelope. “Unpacking Settler Colonialism’s Urban Strategies: Indigenous Peoples in Victoria, British Columbia, and the Transition to a Settler-Colonial City.” Urban History Review 38.2 (2010): 4,20,88. ProQuest. Web. 4 May 2016.

This article is an analytic observation of the direct implications that colonization has on immigrants of Canadian Aboriginal people: North American Indian, Metis or Inuit. Edmonds’ focus is on the lack of historical content of the experience of the Native people. He urges that colonial cities of the 19th century constructed Native people in certain ways. The article tries to prove the interlinking of colonists’ and Natives’ histories. The deconstruction of indigenous land and people is analyzed through the settling of land and how their presence creates a domino effect on the land, culture and people all the way into post-colonialism. As indigenous land became colonized into urbanized communities, the Indigenous people were expected to move with the literal expansion of settlements. With the rise of economic success, racism, and disrespect for the Aboriginal people increased as well.

Edmonds article is an analytical view on one particular region colonized by the British in the mid-19th century. Regardless of the region that colonialism took place, I believe there are shared methods or practices that were performed by all colonizing countries. What is nice about this article is that it brings the causes of colonialism closer to home. I think this article is a great example of displacement and the destruction and regulation of peoples within the North American region.

“Ethnocentrism.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 11-12. U.S. History in Context. Web. 1 May 2016.

This source provides the definition of ethnocentrism. It states that “ethnocentrism is a basic attitude expressing the belief that one’s own ethnic group or one’s own culture is superior to other ethnic groups or cultures, and that one’s cultural standards can be applied in a universal manner.” The sources also review the various causes of ethnocentrism, which can stem form stereotypes, and real life conflicts between groups of people. The source also details that higher educated people display lower levels of ethnocentrism; however, men are more willing to express it than women. Finally, this source also includes two main components to ethnocentrism: economic ethnocentrism and cultural ethnocentrism. The first, is based on the economic competition and the latter is related to one’s cultural norms and attitudes.

The definition and the causes of ethnocentrism is necessary for this proposal. It goes without saying that the definition of a term creates for better understanding of what is being spoken about. Especially for a topic such as this one, terminology sets guide lines for the overall topic in discussion. It is essential that ethnocentric be understood because it is fundamental to colonialism. This source is wonderful because it also discusses the causes of ethnocentrism, which can also be elaborated even further.

Hsin-Chun Tsai, Jenny. “Xenophobia, Ethnic Community, And Immigrant Youths’ Friendship Network Formation.” Adolescence 41.162 (2006): 285-298. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 5 May 2016.

The purpose of this paper is how immigrant youth rebuild their friendship networks. It documents the difficulties they face in the process of assimilation and the building of their social groups. The challenges that they face are dependent on their knowledge of English. The less they know the greater the separation from their peers they become. Youth immigrants face ridicule and embarrassment. Programs such as English as a Second Language perpetuate even further separation and make students of these programs prone to targets of discrimination.

Hsin-Chun’s article is valuable to my proposal because it discusses the sociological and psychological implication of assimilation. We can forget that there is an emotional response to the challenges of adapting to a culture so different from our own. The experience of these youth just prove the flaws in our opinions towards non-English speakers. It implies that there is little understanding or tolerance for those trying to fit in. I believe from this prospective, it humanizes immigrants in that at one point or another we all have struggled to fit.

James, Lawrence. “`The White Man’s Burden’? Imperial Wars In The 1890S.” History Today 42.8 (1992): 45. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 4 May 2016.

James analyzes the mentality of colonialism in Africa and Asia. It is a thought process that is motivated by the idea of the white man’s burden. There may be slight difference in the motivations between the United States and Europe, but the burden of saving the uncivilized is the same. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States shared the self-confident, often self-congratulatory and always aggressive imperialism of the day. Unfortunately, colonialism is a serious violent events because of the opposition these countries faced. Often times the justifications to their violent uses of force was that “barbarous methods were the only ones that would make a lasting impression on barbarous minds”.

This article is exceptional in that it supports my definitions of imperialism, colonialism, and my source of Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. The article elaborates on Dan Carlin’s notion of the white Americans belief system in the 17th-19th centuries. It was the burden of the white man, to rescue and educate the uncivilized indigenous peoples of American and the world. The article provides plenty of example of the other super power nations of the time exercising their powers of colonialization. It appears that colonialism is performed systematically, regardless of the country doing the colonizing. The same effect are also apparent on the native peoples of the colonized land. This source can be link back to the Ng?g?’s text, Decolonsing the Mind. He too experienced the deconstruction of his cultural through the colonial method of education.

Lange, Matthew, and Andrew Dawson. “Dividing and Ruling the World? A Statistical Test of the Effects of Colonialism on Postcolonial Civil Violence”. Social Forces 88.2 (2009): 785–817. Web…

Lange’s claim is that people, not just limited to scholars, are quick to jump to the conclusion that colonialism had a great impact on civil violence. His article attempts to compare both former colonies with regions that did not experience colonialism. This comparison could provide insight on whether colonialism can be said to be a general cause to civil violence. The question he proposes to answer is that non former colonies have higher cases of civil violence than non-colonies. To begin his investigation Lange will review literature highlights: constructing oppositional identities, institutionalizing an ethnic based division of labor, creating ethics based on hierarchies, introduction of foreign populations, imposing arbitrary political borders, promoting despotic forms of rule, institutionalizing ineffective states, and opening power vacuum at independence. To see whether these indicators function in affecting civil violence, a cross national analysis is done. Internal communal conflicts, political, rebellion, and civil war are variable to be considered. The results are that a history of colonialism promotes oppositional communal identities, communal division of labor, ethnic based stratification, animosity between indigenous and non- indigenous peoples. Colonialism or a degree of colonialism power is strongly related to communal violence.

I chose this case studying because I thought it would be important to state that the proper research must be done before stating a popular claim based on its already created negative or positive connotations. Lange’s case study is a reminder that no matter how opposed to an idea one is the proper analysis must be conducted. It is applicable to this proposal because it allows us to see the argument from both side as opposed the common consensus.

Lankford, Gene. “Immigration, Multiculturalism, And American Identity: A Critique Of Samuel Huntington.” Ciências Da Religião: História E Sociedade 12.1 (2014): 268-287. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 1 May 2016.

Harvard professor Samuel Huntington claimed that American’s national identity was being threatened by immigration and multiculturalism. Gene Lankford critiques Huntington’s Angle-Protestant ideas. Huntington believed that immigrants primarily form Asian and Latin America were detrimental to America’s identity. His reasons: immigrants would have an impact on the economy, they would be a tax burden, there would become an overburdens in social institution, they would have an impact on the crime rate, and cause of disease. Huntington implied that civilization is fix and never changing. He praised Europe for being a “‘unique source’ of the ideas of ‘individual liberty, political democracy, the rule of law, and cultural freedom’”. Lankford argues that is not the case. Immigrants are resilient in that they have to accommodate to their new environment(s). This, at times, calls for creative transformations and adaptability so that stagnation and decline are avoided. Lankford adds that civilization is ever-changing; people and cultures are redefining themselves all the time. And where Huntington states that other nations are constant conflict, therefore and never contributing to American development; Lankford claims that historically there has always been a coexistence and cooperation with the United States.

I wanted to use this source to continue to exemplify the mentality of the white majority. Granted that not all of the white population believes claims such as Huntington’s, but many who do agree with him regarded him as creditable scholarly source. I find this to be problematic. With respect to his credentials, many of his claims remind me of the thought process of the colonist. Huntington claims superiority over immigrants from multiple cultures who come to the Untied State. No one can eradicate this mentality, but if we can show future generations identity is dependent on personal choice and their cultural back ground, perhaps there will be a transformation in our system of laws and education, so that we value cultures and their languages.

Lansford, Tom. “Imperialism, Cultural.” Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism since 1450. Ed. Thomas Benjamin. Vol. 2. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. 572-576. U.S. History in Context. Web. 30 April 2016.

This encyclopedia source defines imperialism, documents imperial aspirations, briefly states the pros and cons, and provides a history of imperialism. “Cultural imperialism is the effort by powerful states to force their culture and societal systems upon subjugated, or less powerful, people.” The positive values were democracy and equal rights, however, with the spread of imperialism many cultures along with their customs, and languages were eliminated as well. With the spread of imperialism, Christianity was forcefully taught to the indigenous people of the dominated land. Of course, European countries and the United States profited more from the resources than the people who were colonized. Both regions made it so that their colonies would practice their political culture, thus keeping their colonies submissive.

The use of terms is an important part of research. The definition of terms used, clarifies for me what the topic of conversation is being discussed. Once there is a definition, I find that attaching an example to the term gives me further understanding. Terms are often used, but may not be understood. I wanted to make sure that I defined the terms that we had discussed in class. I think that if I provided a starting point for the readers they could better follow the direction of my research.

Laye, Camara and James Kirkup. “The Radiance of the king.” New York: New York Review Books, 2011. Print.

Camara Laye’s The Radiance of the King is a text that is written in the depths of colonial Africa. It wonderfully documents the attitudes of both the colonist and the native people in an undisclosed African state. Laye’s description of Clarence is one of a character that encompasses colonialism in its purest form. Laye allows Clarence to be the unapologetic European colonist that he is which can be seen in his interactions with the natives. The reader finds Clarence in search of the king so that he can give him employment in order to pay of his acquired debt. Alongside side Clarence is an old beggar, and two mischievous boys who have come together to accompany him on his journey to find the king. Throughout his journey he questions his own thoughts and opinions of what he believed to be Africa. At the end of the story, the irony is that Clarence’s role is now reversed. He is no longer the superior being he thought he was, but now a humbled servant in the employment of the king.

Clarence thoughts, comments, and emotional responses to his surroundings are ethnocentric. This is to say that he uses his own culture as a standard of measure to evaluate other cultures and people. I believe that this is the heart of colonialism. These standards are often measured by the dominating country’s comparison of its own views versus another country or region’s economical, technological, and/ or social advancements. Clarence’s role is reversed from the certainty of a colonial mind set to finally understand a culture far from his own. This text is a huge asset to this proposal because it shows a man’s thoughts and opinions evolve into an understanding of a culture greater than his preconceived ideas. Rather, than believing in what we think we know to be certain, with opened minds we can learn from a new culture and its people and create better ways of succeeding as a community, or much larger, as a global society of knowledge and understanding.

Lock, Alexander. “MAGNA CARTA The Atlantic Crossing. (Cover Story).” History Today 65.7 (2015): 31-37. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 April 2016.

This is a cover stories that briefly describes the origins of the Magna Carta and its direct influence on the legal documents that were the foundation for the United States. Before the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights were ever written, the colonial states had to create their own laws. Many of the law that the colonist wrote came directly from the 1215 British charter, the Magna Carta. Clauses that referred to individual rights, law of the land, and due process were originally founded in the Magna Carta. The British charter immigrated into North America with the colonist. When the war for independence broke out, the colonist used the Magna Carta to protest the British king’s actions.

I wanted to use a historical source to create a foundation/ a point of reference to trace back possible reasons as to why the United States has such concrete values. Once I created a point of reference, I could branch out forward in time to see how the past had created negative implications for immigrants, their culture and their language. It was only after I listened to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: American Peril episode, did I understand the degree of European and English influence during the 17th and 18th centuries. Nations more power than the U.S. indirectly and directly inspired the creation of laws and national identity. As I mentioned in my citation of Carlin’s Hardcore History, for the United States to become a super power it need to emulate the characteristics of former colonial nations. It is worth noting that principles just mentioned also affected other countries as well.

McCafferty, Steven G. “Adolescent Second Language Literacy: Language-Culture, Literature, and Identity.” Reading Research and Instruction 41.3 (2002): 279-88. ProQuest. Web. 3 May 2016.

McCafferty claims that literary text produced in different languages is more beneficial to adolescents whose second language is English. This is because it is found that those who are immigrants are challenge by the change in their situation. Text that are targeted to adolescents can be beneficial to this group because their struggle of finding their self can be eased through text. This is important because these individuals must find a new tone to express who they are. It is during the process of assimilation that a foreign speaker notices how different their language sounds in comparison to English. Because the process of puberty can be difficult to maneuver, often time adolescent find solidarity in people and things that are similar to themselves. The by product, in terms of language, is the creation of words or their own language. This in turn creates a sense of alienation because of the difference between them and the rest of their peers. Self-worth develops when one becomes more proficient in the new language. Individuals begin to understand the usage of certain words and use those definitions as a new form of identification. The idea of introducing new text, in a foreign language, is also beneficial to those whose primary language is English. It introduces new forums for the use of dialogue to express themselves.

I knew from the beginning that I wanted to incorporate a psychological approach to this research. Language is the how we express ourselves to the world. Imagine having your voice silenced because you could not communicate and express yourself because no one could understand you or chose not to go out of their way to understand you. A person becomes invisible and their self-worth is question. This journal delves into the issues of self-worth, identity, and the struggle speakers of foreign languages face. I believe this journal can be further supported by Yosso’s text. McCafferty makes interesting points when explaining the problem with the United States’ teaching of language arts. The journal provides for possible solutions to changing the flawed education system, but, the author makes it clear that solutions would not come easily. I think this journal in particular encourages extended research on the ways we can change a linear system to includes foreign language in our schools and create an understanding in the importance of language in the American psyche.

Moghaddam, Fathali, and Donald M. Taylor. “The Warped Looking Glass: How Minorities Perceive Themselves, Believe They Are Perceived, And Are..” Canadian Ethnic Studies 26.2 (1994): 112. America: History and Life with Full Text. Web. 4 May 2016.

Moghaddam’s study is about the way minority groups believed they are perceived and are actually perceived by the majority group. He took 293 junior college students in Montreal and divided them into a majority group known as French Quebecers, and five immigrant groups know as European Francophones, Jews, Latin Americans, South-East Asians, and Haitians. Evidence supporting two hypotheses resulting in “cultural similarity” which was mostly viewed within the European Francophones being the most accepted and the minority being the least accepted. The second hypothesis was dependent on the vocabulary or labels that were used to refer to minority groups. Terms such as “immigrant” and “foreigner” imply less progress in assimilating to the Canadian culture than the term “Quebecer”. There are numerous factors as to why there are misperception in minorities. An increase on immigrants who choose little contact with each other is one factor; while a survey suggests that majority group’s preferences imply a hierarchy of acceptance. For instance, Western European are on the top of this scale while immigrants from Asian and Africa are lower. This means that minority groups are rank by their similarities to the majority group. The results did not prove anything different than what they had hypothesized.

I believe the results of this survey are similar, if not, exactly the same as colonialism. We see that there is a ranking dependent on the origins of the immigrants. Depending on the region they come from immigrants look unfavorably on other immigrant. European immigrants continue to carry an attitude of superiority over non-European foreigners. This belief of superiority may stem from the dominant, colonial, history of Europe. Again, this is an example of the psychology of superiority and it reinforce the other examples given about the certainty that dominant cultures believe to have.

Mouw, Ted, and Yu Xie. “Bilingualism and the Academic Achievement of First-and Second-Generation Asian Americans: Accommodation with Or without Assimilation?” American Sociological Review 64.2 (1999): 232-52. ProQuest. Web. 5 May 2016.

Mouw’s research is on first and second generation Asian-American student in 1988. He claimed that being bilingual has positive effects on academic achievement because knowing multiple languages stimulates cognitive development. Bilingualism is also a barrier to assimilation because students can revert back to speaking in their native tongue with their parents and their community. Mouw’s second view to the benefits of bilingualism is based on cultural perspectives. Overall studies have shown that there is better access to cultural perspectives because of their parents. Bilingualism ceases to be beneficial when the parents develop proficiency in English. Unfortunately, most immigrant children are quick to attain the English language, developing a preference for it and abandoning their native language. A rapid linguistic assimilation of immigrant children has the potential of losing the ability to communicate with their parents, therefore distancing themselves from their culture. When this occurs the parents encounter difficulties in monitoring their children’s behavior and academic achievements. Standardize testing results of the 1920s found a problem in measuring the intelligence of students who knew two languages. Researches believed that because they knew two languages it would hinder those students from progressing as rapidly as their English speaking peers. A 1922 study suggested that students did much better on standardized test when the test was taken in their native language. Mouw acknowledges that the Untied States is a homogenized society, but that it is quick to replace immigrants’ foreign language with English. Therefore, American does not support the maintenance of other languages other than its own.

Regrettably, the U.S. has not moved to far fo

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