MGT655 Grand Canyon University ?Planning and Implementation Presentation For this assignment select either your own organization or an organization about w

MGT655 Grand Canyon University ?Planning and Implementation Presentation For this assignment select either your own organization or an organization about which you know enough to review the supply chain processes and identify a process that can be improved in your sphere of influence.

Phase II: Planning and Implementation

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MGT655 Grand Canyon University ?Planning and Implementation Presentation For this assignment select either your own organization or an organization about w
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In Phase II of the Process Improvement Project you will be creating a project timeline to help you implement the proposed solution to the problem statement defined in Phase I. As a project leader, you will need to consider several things before you start the project. The project leader must preplan, plan, and kickoff the project.

Planning of the Project

As the project leader, write 500-750 words that address these items:

Identify which methodologies and strategies you will implement to meet your goals. Provide rationale for why you did not select some of the other methodologies and strategies.
Which business functions will be impacted by your action plan? What tactics will you use to manage implementation across business functions? What can you do to enhance collaboration/cross-functionality to ensure the success of your plan?
Timeline: Create a timeline to implement the proposed improvement to the problem and identify the critical path components.
Communication plan: Using your completed quality tools analysis and stakeholder analysis, create a communication plan for disseminating your action plan to all of the stakeholders. Which strategies do you plan to utilize and why? Your plan should demonstrate how you plan to use formal and informal communication channels to implement the plan. In addition, explain how the communication plan addresses what you are hoping to achieve with your goal.

Project Kickoff and Implementation of the Project

Successfully improving the value chain requires the willingness of required stakeholders to participate. Imagine you are presenting your project plan in a meeting to all the essential stakeholders for approval. Effective oral communication is essential in the business setting so you will need to present your project plan logically and comprehensively to the stakeholders.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (7-10 slides) specifying the problem statement, stakeholders, proposed solution, timeline, and communication plan to implement the project.

Phase III: Evaluation

In the final step for your plan, state in 250-300 words the metrics you will use to determine project implementation success. Please justify why you have selected those metrics. Include specific metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the implementation. How long will the project team monitor project implementation?

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. PSY-495 Professional Capstone Project
Topic 1—Overview of the Research Process
Scoring Guide
Grading category
Explanation of topic and why it was
Explanation of any obstacles and ideas for
overcoming obstacles
Provide problem statement supported by
Research questions align with problem
Description of the research method used
to test hypothesis, including why that
method is the best method for the
Revised introduction is included.
References are included
Presentation voice is clear and spoken
with authority on research.
Research M ethods in Psychology, 2e
By Beth Morling
© W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
PSY-495 Professional Capstone
Topic 1 – Overview of the Research Process
Introduction Reflection
Directions: This assignment has two parts. For the first part of the assignment, use feedback
from your PSY-452 instructor to make any revisions or updates to your introduction. Then,
answer the reflective questions below with a minimum of 100 words. Finally, add your original
and revised introduction to the end of this worksheet. While APA style is not required for the
body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources
should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style
Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Use two to four resources to support your answers.
Part 1 – Reflective Questions:
1. Explain your topic and why you chose that topic.
2. Explain any obstacles you came up against and how you overcame those obstacles.
3. Provide your problem statement, supported by research you have reviewed. From the
problem statement generate your research question(s).
4. Describe the research method you would use to test your hypothesis and why that method
is the best method for your research.
Part 2 – Using the research you used to answer the questions above, make any changes to your
original introduction, including comments and any mark ups from your previous instructor.
Attach your original introduction below, or with this document, to submit to the assignment
dropbox (See document “Submitting Multiple Attachments” for assistance in submitting more
than one document to the assignment dropbox).
Law Enforcement and Job-Related Stress
Dora Sanchez
Course: PSY- 452
April 13,2019
Stress is a mental adaptation of the body which allows a person to react to the immediate
environment. The body has a peculiar way of responding to stressful context by unique a reaction
basically categorized into 3 phases (alarm, resistance, exhaustion). The general adaptation was
discovered by Hans Selye in 1935. If the stress settles in the duration, in all cases our ability to
react is altered, our body exhausts itself and appears various pathological consequences. As a
result of a stressful situation where you have to fight or flee, the body reacts biologically in 2
steps. Stress is becoming a critical issue among many people today culmination to related health
problems in the society. This has become an issue that requires paramount attention owing the
increased rate of cases reported. There is no agreement on a common definition of stress since
researchers use various definitions to define it. There are some who use external stimuli, such as
shocking accident while others base their definition on internal stimuli factors such as sadness,
anxiety and grief to define it (Kara, H. B., Sunger, E., & Kapti, A. 2015). The purpose of this
paper is to review the relationship between increase in stress and decrease in health.
Comparing the two research designs
A research conducted by some researcher in conjunction with police officers reveals that
health factor among policemen during their work has reduced and this has been related to the
increase in stress levels among the people. Stress has been found to be a depended factor that
affects health. Stress is no longer a predator but a factor that persists, which regularly affects
health, the activation of the body functions to continue. Stress leads to secretion of hormones
such as cortisol, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin which dictate a person health. However, the
first effects of stress are beneficial but becomes harmful when the stress becomes chronic.
However, the factors that cause stress were found to be different in various countries (Kara, H.
B., Sunger, E., & Kapti, A. 2015).
Different occupations affect the worker’s health differently in different countries.
Health is the state of the body in its capacity to fight diseases and maintain normal body
functioning. To overcome the negative effects of excessive and prolonged secretion of cortisol,
the body has a regulatory mechanism. This is defined by the hippocampus, structure of the
temporal lobe of the brain. While under the effect of acute stress, the hippocampus slows the
hypothalamus, the secretion of CRH (Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone) which then decreases
and reduces the produced cortisol. Under chronic stress, the body loses its ability to stop the
hypothalamus action. Activation of the corticotrophin axis tends to become permanent. The body
result to be weak and health is compromised for policemen who work in stressful work
conditions in various countries (Kara, H. B., Sunger, E., & Kapti, A. 2015).
Independent variable and the dependent variable
The independent variable in this research is stress as its change affects the other factor
which is health. The dependent variable in this research is health as it is affected by change in the
other factor which is stress. Increase in stress is found to cause a decrease in health. There are no
extraneous variables or any other variables that we are studying in this research beside the two
factors. (Myers, A. & Hansen, C. 2012).
Main effects and interactions for the factorial design
Stress is the body alarm which prepares the body for combat or flight in different
environments. When confronted with a situation that is assessed as stressful, the body
immediately reacts by releasing catecholamine hormones which is produced by the medullaadrenal gland, including adrenaline. These increase the heart rate, blood pressure, levels of
alertness, and body temperature. These changes are intended to prepare the body to react by
bringing oxygen to organs that will be solicited.
Working in a stressful environment makes the hormones raise the sugar levels of the
blood providing the energy needed by the muscles, brain and heart to maintain a constant level of
glucose. The body is preparing for the energy costs of responding to the stressful situation. This
has led to health researchers relating this to the increasing rates of body sugar diseases including
diabetes. When the stressful situation. This study was facilitated by random sample made from
human samples. The samples have been taken from medical history of stress patients who have
been reported to have other related health issues after stress diagnosis.
The study establishes that stress is the most common problem around the world. There is
relationship between increase in stress and decrease in health. Recent studies on Turkish police
force indicated that biological disturbances linked to chronic stress would result to reduction in the
bod’s capability to fight diseases. The health factor among people has reduced and this has been
related to the increase in stress levels among the people. Stress has been found to be a depended
factor that affects health. When the body perceives a threat, the organization of stress on the body
instantly activates the hypothalamus, a structure of the limbic brain that ensures homeostasis, that
is, the maintenance of biological constants in equilibrium. Increase in stress alters and disturbs this
equilibrium resulting to decrease in the body’s ability to fight diseases.
Kara, H. B., Sunger, E., & Kapti, A. (2015). Police stress factors among law enforcement
agencies: A comparison study of US and Turkish police. European Scientific Journal
11(4), pp. 82-94. Retrieved from:
Myers, A. & Hansen, C. (2012). Experimental Psychology. Seventh Edition. Cengage Learning,
Mason, Ohio 45040

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