Purdue University Global View of Women in Buddhism Discussion Please discuss the prompt provided and complete short essay of approximately 500 words (about

Purdue University Global View of Women in Buddhism Discussion Please discuss the prompt provided and complete short essay of approximately 500 words (about 2 pages double spaced).

Prompt: The Buddha was known to have said that if women had been allowed into the Sangha from the start, the impact of the Dharma would have only lasted half as long. What do you think he meant by this? Do you think the Buddha was against women, or were there other factors that the Buddha was addressing?

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Purdue University Global View of Women in Buddhism Discussion Please discuss the prompt provided and complete short essay of approximately 500 words (about
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Use at least two different peer reviewed sources to help substantiate your points. One of the sources should come from one of the assigned readings, and I would like at least one other source to come from outside our course texts. There are some great resources out there to help you find appropriate peer reviewed source material. One place to find some good journal articles is JSTOR (www.jstor.org). Avoid using websites, as often these are not the most reliable and lack peer reviewed status. When providing these sources, you must use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS or Chicago Style).

Your essays will be graded on the following criteria:

a) evidence that the factual material called for in the question is presented and documented;

b) coherence of the essay in organization and structure;

c) ability to engage critically and analytically with the topic

d) evidence of creative thinking;

e) correct annotation of sources and presentation of bibliography;

f) correct spelling, punctuation and grammar

Sources that could help:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGqSJAT7UlE&feature=youtu.be Kirk Sandvig, Ph.D.
What are Bodhisattva’s
? Bodhisattva’s are people
who are on the path to
Buddhahood in order to
deliver others from suffering
? Six Perfections:
? Giving:
Giving (dana)
Material things
Instruction about the Dharma
One’s life for the sake of others in need.
? Transformation of merit
Morality (sila)
? Ten Good Actions
Not to kill
Not to steal
Not to engage in illicit sexual behavior
Not to lie
Not to use harsh words
Not to use words that cause enmity between people
Not to engage in idle talk
Not to be greedy
Not to be angry
Not to hold wrong views
Patience (ksanti)
? Patient endurance of hardships
? Forgiveness of those who harm the bodhisattva in
those hardships
Vigor (virya)
? Effort, zeal, and energy needed to overcome
unwholesome thoughts and attitudes
? Also to cultivate positive virtues, study the Dharma,
and do good actions
? Energy needed to stay the path
Meditation (dhyana)
? Perfect forms found in
earlier traditions (3
? Meditation on
emptiness itself
? Meditation on
? Meditation on
? Experience of wisdom
penetrates the empty,
signless, and wishless
nature of reality with
such power that one
finds greater freedom
and peace
? Wisdom as Goddess
The Ten Stages of the
? Spiritual stages toward Buddhahood
? First six stages correspond with six perfections
? Four more perfections were added to fit final four
1) A Joyous Choice
? Bodhisattva produces
aspiration for
? Works hard at first
perfection of giving
Purity, Luminosity, and
? 2) Purity is the result of practicing the perfection of
? 3) Luminosity – strengthened by perfection of
? 4) Radiance – cultivates the perfection of vigor
Meditation and Wisdom
? 5) Difficult to conquer (sudurjaya) – Cultivates
perfection of meditation so that one is not susceptible
to any inner tendencies toward distraction, as well as
temptations of trials
? 6) Face-to-face (abhimukhi) – realizes perfection of
? Brought ‘face-to-face’ with reality
? Chooses to be reborn for sake of world.
Beyond Arhatship to
? 7) Going far (durangama) – help others gain enlightentment
? Skillful means
? Bodhisattva born into celestial realm
? 8) Immovable (acala) – beyond any false or inadequate
conceptualization of the word
? Gain more advanced forms of skillful means
? 9) Good insight (sadhumati) – perfects even more skillful means
from bringing others to Awakening
? Understands all the paths of Buddhahood perfected into good
? Perfection of ‘power’
10) The Dharma Cloud
? Perfection of
‘omniscient knowledge’
? Masters all forms of
? Must be born one
more time to become
Buddha and create
own Buddha realm
Celestial Bodhisattvas
? ‘Great Beings’
? Most important
? Maitreya
? Manjusri
? Avolokitesvara
? “Kindly One”- will
become Buddha in
distant future
? Budai (Zen Monk)
? ‘Sweet Glory’
? So revered for great
wisdom that his is also
called ‘prince of the
? ‘The Lord Who Looks
? Looks down with love
and compassion, ready
to respond to needs of
living beings
? Tibet – Believed to be
Dalai Lama
? Guanyin in China
? Kannon in Japan

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