Columbia College Social Enterprise in Community & Economic Development Paper Evaluate a social enterprise of your choosing. Please choose a health care enterprise.
The social enterprise can be in any location and targeted to address any social or environmental problem. However, be sure that it meets the criteria for being a social enterprise. Refer to class discussions, the list of social enterprise definitions in Courseworks and readings, particularly Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know by David Bornstein and Susan Davis, and, A Typology for Social Entrepreneurs: Motives, Search Processes and Ethical Challenges by Shaker A. Zahra et al. Make sure that there is sufficient information available online about the social enterprise so that you can research and understand its model. Consider news articles, case studies, documentaries, the SEs website or summaries by funders. Provide an orientation to the social enterprise you chose and why it qualifies as a social enterprise.
Then evaluate the social enterprise using what we have covered in class. Explain the central problem(s) you believe the social enterprise is targeting and the assumptions it seems to make about the problems root causes, its enablers/inhibitors, the key stakeholders that are engaged and the contexts it must account for. What leverage points do you believe the social enterprise has identified and what theory of change do you believe the enterprise is following as a result? Finally, explain the revenue model and its role in supporting the mission of the social enterprise. Using this account as a foundation, evaluate the social enterprise considering the following:
What do you believe the social enterprise has gotten right about its understanding of the problem and what is required to create change?
What insights might have the enterprise not accounted for that could possibly improve its model for creating change or even its very viability as an enterprise?
Based on these or other insights, how do you suggest the social enterprise’s theory of change and impact model be improved and made more effective?
Please limit your paper to no more than 8 pages. Use Times New Roman, 11 point font and 1.5 spacing between lines. Social Enterprise in Community Economic Development, Summer 2019
Organizations that address a basic unmet need or solve a social or
environmental problem through a market-driven approach.
Social Enterprises Alliance
Business corporations formed as benefit corporations, in addition to business
purposes, are formed for the purpose of creating a general public benefit. BCL
§1702(b) provides that a general public benefit is a material positive impact
on society and the environment, taken as a whole, assessed against a thirdparty standard, from the business and operations of a benefit corporation.
NYS Department of State
A social enterprise is an organization whose mission combines revenue growth
and profit-making with the need to respect and support its environment and
stakeholder network.
S Es solve a social/environmental
problem through a market
SE s create general public benefit
S Es respect/support its
environment and stakeholder
S E s combine revenue growth and
profit making
S Es create a fair and just world
S E s combine business practices +
S Es help address
social/environmental issues
S E s employ people and earn income
Social Entrepeneurship exploits
opportunities to enhance social
Social Entrepeneurship entails new
ventures and innovative manners
Social enterprise models combine business practices and principles with the
4 passion and compassion required to create a fair and just world.
A type of non-profit business that employs people and earns income in order to
help address perceived social or environmental issues. For example, a social
enterprise might provide valuable services to a population in need, or they
might perform volunteer or even paid consulting work on environmental
5 cleanup projects.
Social Entrepreneurship encompasses the activities and processes undertaken
to discover, define, and exploit opportunities in order to enhance social wealth
by creating new ventures or managing existing organizations in an innovative
6 manner.
Social entrepreneurs are essential in this everyone a changemaker
world. They conceive and engineer the basic new patterns. They are highly
contagious role models encouraging many, many others to care and to
organize. They are also mass recruiters of local changemakers — that is
overwhelmingly how they spread their ideas. In their turn, these local
changemakers are role models and recruiters for yet more local changemakers,
and a few of them will become the next generation of great entrepreneurs.
Schwab Foundation
Shaker A Zahr. Et al.
Social entrepeneurs as
changemakers, engineers of new
patterns, mass recruiters of local
changemakers, and role models
Social enterprises are mission-driven businesses focused on hiring and
8 assisting people who face barriers to work.
Social Enterprises seek to grow but often prioritize goals other than massive
scalesuch as solving a specific social or environmental problem, serving a
specific customer segment or local community, or maintaining a product/
9 service that is particularly unique or bespoke.
A social Enterprise is a for-profit or nonprofit organization that uses innovation
to improve human and environmental well-being.
The Social Innovation Fund
Omidyar Network
Echoing Green
S Es are mission driven businesses S Es focus on assisting people who
face barriers
S Es priotize solving a
social/environmental problem
S Es serve a specific segment or local
community or maintain a unique
S Es use innovation to improve
S Es may be a for-profit or nonprofit https://www.echoinggreen.o
human/environmental well-being organization
A social enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives whose
surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the
community, rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for
11 shareholders and owners.
S Es use business models to
address social issues
Surpluses are principally reinvested http://www.socialenterprise
in the S Es or in the community, but
it does not aim to maximize profit
Social Enterprise in Community Economic Development, Summer 2019
Social Entrepeneurs are society’s change agents: they are creators of
innovations that disrupt the status quo and transform our world for the better.
These leaders and their organizations (Social Enterprises) are creating
innovative models to drive equilibrium changethe disruption of social,
economic, and political forces that enable inequality, injustice, and other thorny
social and environmental problems to persist. By disrupting the status quo,
social entrepreneurs open up the space for solutions to take root, scale, and
become the foundation of profound social transformation and a more peaceful
and prosperous world.
Skoll Foundation
S Es transform the world into a
S Es intend to disrupt the status quo
better place through
that enable inequality and to scale
organizations that create
social transformation
innovative models that lead us
toward a more prosperous world
S E development creates positive
Social enterprise development, defined as creating and nurturing micro-, smallsocial or environmental outcomes
and medium-sized businesses that aim for positive social or environmental
through businesses that generate
outcomes while generating financial returns. It is important to highlight that
financial returns
social enterprise and impact investing overlap significantly, although they are UN Global Impact and Rockefeller
not synonymous. Social enterprises, for example, need more than just
investment capital to be successful, while impact investments can be made into
non-enterprise structures like loan or equity
funds or infrastructure projects.
A social enterprise is a business with a social or environmental purpose. They
compete to deliver goods and services like any other business but also apply
innovative and practical solutions to the issues affecting society. Rather than
being driven by the need to maximize profits for shareholders and owners,
their primary objective is to maximize impact on their chosen issue and surplus
profits are generated purely vested rally towards that purpose.
Social enterprises address the most pressing problems societies face through
employing scalable, self-sustainable and innovative business models. They
must balance financial responsibilities and social impact and must coordinate
among multiple stakeholder groups, including investors, employees, regulators,
clients and beneficiaries. As a result, social enterprise leaders manage complex
15 trade-offs.
A social purpose venture with a business model that relies primarily (or
exclusively) on earned income to cover its operations.
Social enterprises are not for pro?t; but they are not non-pro?t entities as
well. Social enterprises are dynamic enterprises with a social purpose. They are
based on the triple bottom line principle, i e, based on economic viability,
environmental sustainability and social responsibility. They are not charities,
but are businesses in the strict sense of the term.
A Social Enterprise is a way of doing business that benefits more than the
shareholders/owners of the business. Other terms used to describe a social
enterprise are mission led or purpose led business, but this does not include
ordinary business that simply do something good in the community through
their corporate social responsibility programmes. To count as a social
enterprise there must be something written in to the governing document or
rules that the business operates by that cannot be changed so it is always a
social enterprise. Social enterprises have a social, economic, community or
environmental purpose at their core for example, providing taxis that run on
solar power rather than diesel, which reduces CO2 emissions and our carbon
footprints; a consultancy business that employs ex-offenders; a healthy eating
educational programme; art painted by ex-gang members; mobility equipment
for people with disabilities.
McKinsey Venture Academy
SE is a business with a social or
environmental purpose that
applies inovative/practical
solutions to solve social issues. S
Es aim to maximize impact rather
than maximize profit
World Economic Forum
Stanford Social Entrepeneuship
Economic and Political Weekly
Fisher, Heidi L
Social Enterprise
How To Successfully Set Up And
Grow A Social Enterprise
Social Enterprise development
Social enterprise and impact
investing overlap significantly, but
they are not synonymous
Earned income as one of the
primary sources of revenue to the
SE organization
S Es are based on the triple
bottom line principle, i e, based
on economic viability,
environmental sustainability, and
social responsibility
The impact of a SE goes beyond
shareholders/owners of the
Social Enterprises have a social,
economic, community or
environmental purpose at their
S Es are scalable and selfsustainable business models. S Es
balance financial responsibilities
and social impact and must
coordinate among multiple
stakeholder groups
SE is a social purpose venture
Social Enterprises are not for
pro?t; but they are not non-pro?t /p-m-mathew
entities as well. They are not
charities, but are businesses in the
strict sense of the term
Other terms used to describe a
Social Enterprise are mission led or
purpose led business, but this does
not include business that do
something good in the community
through their corporate social
responsibility programs
Governing documents of the
organization must state that it
operates as a Social Enterprise
Fisher, Heidi L (2016-1023T23:58:59). Social
Enterprise: How to
successfully set up and grow
a social enterprise . Heidi L
Fisher. Kindle Edition.
Social Enterprise in Community Economic Development, Summer 2019
A social entrepreneur is any person, in any sector, who uses earned income
strategies to pursue a social objective and their earned income strategies are
tied directly to their mission (that is the mission of the social enterprise they
represent): They either employ people who are developmentally disabled,
chronically mentally ill, physically challenged, poverty stricken or otherwise
disadvantaged; or they sell mission-driven products and services that have a
direct impact on a specific social problem (e.g. working with potential dropouts Jerr Boschee and Jim McClurg,
to keep them in school, manufacturing assistive devices for people with
Towards a Better Understanding
physical disabilities, providing home care services that help elderly people stay
of Social Entrepreneurship.
out of nursing homes, developing and selling curricula). Social entrepreneurs
Some Important Distinctions.
are driven by a double bottom line, a virtual blend of financial and social
returns. Profitability is still a goal, but it is not the only goal, and profits are reinvested in the mission rather than being distributed to shareholders.
Social objectives and earned
income are fundamental to
accomplish the mission of the
organization that she/he
This definition highlights the
propensity of social entrepeneurs to
include vulnerable group of people
into their business model operation
MPA | Columbia University |
School of International andPublic Affairs
Social Enterprise in Community Economic Development
EMPA U6455
Instructor: Brian Gurski
SE is not corporate social responsibility (CSR). While CSR is a form of self-regulation that
business can embrace to monitor and control their activities impact on the environment
and stakeholders, social enterprises have social impact built into their DNA. But for their
intent to achieve positive social impact, specifically and directly, they would not exist.
Marc J. Lane,
President of Social Enterprise
Alliance’s Chicago chapter
Social Enterprise:
Empowering MissionDriven Entrepreneurs.
Kindle Edition.
Marc J. Lane,
President of Social Enterprise
Alliance’s Chicago chapter
Social Enterprise:
Empowering MissionDriven Entrepreneurs.
Kindle Edition.
Neither does social enterprise include socially responsible investing (SRI) or its
institutional variant, mission-related investing (MRI). Although foundations and socially
conscious investors may favor business practices that promote environmental
stewardship, costumer protection, human rights, or diversity, social enterprises arent
merely concerned about the environment of social justice; they do something about it.
Marc J. Lane,
President of Social Enterprise
Alliance’s Chicago chapter
Social Enterprise:
Empowering MissionDriven Entrepreneurs.
Kindle Edition.
Whats more, socially responsible investing seeks to maximize both financial return and
social good. But social entrepreneurs may reject the notion that profit, and social impact
are equally important. They acknowledge that without profitability a venture cannot be
sustained, but they place social mission above money.
Marc J. Lane,
President of Social Enterprise
Alliance’s Chicago chapter
Not every business that a nonprofit adds to its portfolio is a social enterprise. Even if a
business that a nonprofit adds to its portfolio is a social enterprise. Even if a business
activity helps support the nonprofits operations, it wont qualify as a social enterprise
unless its overarching purpose is itself meant to drive positive social change.
Social Enterprise:
Empowering MissionDriven Entrepreneurs.
Kindle Edition.
Marc J. Lane,
President of Social Enterprise
Alliance’s Chicago chapter
Social Enterprise:
Empowering MissionDriven Entrepreneurs.
Kindle Edition.
Chart No. 2. Differences between For Profit Business, SE, and Charity
For Profit Business
Social Enterprise
Income from trading
Mix of income from trading,
contracts, grants,
fundraising & donations
Staff & Volunteers
Profit driven
Profits paid out to
Yet academics and institutions have not coalesced around a single definition.
Source: Fisher, Heidi L (2016-10-23T23:58:59). Social Enterprise:
How to successfully set up and grow a social enterprise . Heidi L
Fisher. Kindle Edition.
Donations &
Mix of social & financial
Not for profit
Charitable purpose
Surpluses reinvested to
support the social purpose Surpluses reinvested
& may be able to pay out to support the charitys
some surpluses to
Reports on public
Reports on social value and
benefit, achievement of
financial performance
mission and financial
Source: Fisher, Heidi L (2016-10-23T23:58:59). Social Enterprise: How to
successfully set up and grow a social enterprise . Heidi L Fisher. Kindle
Reports on financial
MPA | Columbia University |
School of International andPublic Affairs
Social Enterprise in Community Economic Development
EMPA U6455
Instructor: Brian Gurski
Makes small loans to the poor for small business development and
Grameen Bank other uses. Since its inception in the 1970s, Grameen has provided $10
billion in loans to more than 10 million people, and has proven the
need and viability for financial services to the poor. Grameen received
the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 as a reflection of its efforts and success.
Provides the homeless employment in a bakery that makes brownies
for Ben & Jerrys ice cream. As Greyston says, we dont hire people to
bake brownies, we bake brownies to hire people.
Designs affordable solar-powered devices that provide an option to
people that lack access to reliable energy sources. In its eight-year
history, D.Light has sold more than 10 million solar lamps, improving
the lives of 50 million people.
GF is headquartered in
Washington, D.C., with
offices in the U.S., and 16
country offices in Africa,
Asia, and Latin America
New York
Aggregates prescription medications that are nearing their expiration
Dispensary of date and redistributes these drugs to free clinics in low-income
communities. Clinics pay Dispensary of Hope a monthly subscription
fee that covers basic expenses, and drug manufacturers save money by
avoiding costs associated with destroying expired products.
Africa, China, South Asia,
and the United States
United States
Upcycles packaging and other non-recyclable consumer waste, keeping TerraCycle headquarters
it out of landfills and turning it into new products. Today, Terracycle
are in Trenton, NJ. They
has established a recycling network of more than 31 million consumers also operate in Europe,
and 100 major corporate brand partnerships, resulting in more than 3
Asia Pacific, the United
billion units of garbage averted from landfills and transformed into
States, Canada, Mexico,
new, 100% recycled products.
and Brasil
Develops and uses technology to create positive social change. One of
Benetechs signature programs is Bookshare, the largest literacy
resource for people with disabilities. Before Bookshare, only 5% of
printed materials were accessible to people with disabilities. Today,
Bookshares more than 330,000 subscribers have access to more than
300,000 titles in a variety of accessible formats.
Benetech is
headquartered in Palo
Alto, Ca and operates in
South Asia
Warby Parker operates in
Partners with VisionSpring to enable access to affordable prescription
USA and Canada. VS is
glasses to people in developing countries who are otherwise
headquartered in NY, but
Warby Parker + functionally blind. They do this by selling fashionable eyewear to
focuses its operation in 40
VisionSpring customers in developed markets, and making a contribution for each
developing countries in
pair sold. So far, this partnership has distributed nearly 2.5 million
Africa, Latin America, and
pairs of glasses to those in need.
South Asia
Be social
With over 4,000 members, BSC originally started as a meetup group
and is now the largest community for social entrepreneurs in New
York City. They host events including fireside chats with influential
social entrepreneurs and professionals, networking happy hours, and
classes on a range of useful topics for entrepreneurs in general. They
help social entrepreneurs build their careers through workshops and
an online job listings board.
New York
Healthify is a software platform that enables healthcare organizations
to improve care for low-income patients by addressing the social
determinants of healththe underlying drivers of health like access to
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