San Jose City College Realism Liberalism and Marxism Worksheet Fill out the International Relation theory tables for Realism, Liberalism, and Marxism to the best of your abilities. (No citations needed)You will notice that each box asks for something particular – thinker, unit of analysis, reason, state, economics, ideas, and what is missing. For ‘thinker,’ list the authors from our class that discuss the theory (who have we read that is a realist, or liberal?). For’ unit,’ place in the box what you think is the main actor, or subject of the theory. For reason, briefly describe how each theory discusses logic or how actors reason through decisions. For the state, how does each theory deal with the state? And for economics and ideas, its the same – how do Realists discuss ideas? How do liberals? Lastly, what do you think is missing from each theory? Please write inside of the table ?
the continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz)
? What does this mean?
? Continuum, tactics, politics = war, collective struggle
And contest/conflict
? Old wars were fought by the regular arm ed forces of states. New wars are fought by
varying com binations of networks of state and non-state actors regular armed
forces, private security contractors, mercenaries, jihadists, warlords, paramilitaries, etc
? Old wars were fought for geopolitical interests or for ideology (democracy or
socialism). New wars are fought in the name of identity (ethnic, religious or tribal).
? In old wars, battle was the decisive encounter
In new wars, battles are rare and
territory is captured through political m eans, through control of the population.
? Also, very destructive and unlimited
? – The virtual disappearance of wars between states
? – The decline of all high intensity wars, involving more than a thousand battle
? – The decline in the deadliness of war measured in terms of battle deaths
? – The increase in the duration and/or recurrence of wars
? – The risk factor of proximity to other wars.
? Check this site out
? The last time the US declared war was in World War 2. Vietnam, yes, is called a war.
But officially, the US government never declared war on North Vietnam. In fact, the
Vietnam conflict has been called a police action instead of an actual war.
? This is an ongoing debate in US politics congress has the authority to declare war,
according to the Constitution.
? What is the key actor for Realism?
? The State
? What is this state?
? Black box, after survival/relative gains, anarchy, material power and stuff
? Terrorism
? Guerrilla warfare
? Low-intensity
? Asymmetrical
? What do you think? New era, or just same as old?
Realism, the State, and
Realism and War
Realism and the State
State: institutions that claim to be the sole, central authority, as well as to
have the legitimate claim to use violence over a population and
throughout a territory (Weber)
Those pictures?
Taxation is something that states do they extract revenue from a
population. Other entities, like corporations, tend not to tax people.
States also maintain a military. Again, other actors, such as social
movements, do not maintain a professional trained fighting force. States
also declare certain areas as parks, limiting access to certain spaces.
Environmental governance (yes, conservation is not the only way to think
of this) is certain to how states manage territory.
Whats in this definition of the state, what is not?
Form of government? (democracy, monarchy
Nation? (language, customs, tradition)
Economic stuff (GDP, Corporations)
These things are NOT in the standard definition of the state
Realism and War
Video, selection from Doctor Who (its on Ilearn)
Imagine that the monster and the guy are states what are they
concerned with? What are their goals? How are they discussing their
We live in a world of states, like it or not
Early theory of the modern state – Hobbes:
Leviathan, 1648
Whats in that picture?
Check it out he is holding a staff and a sword. The sword is a metaphor
for force. The staff is a metaphor for magic. Why those two things?
Hobbes believes that state leaders rule with those two qualities through
using force and through using ideas. Also, whats inside the king in that
picture? A bunch of tiny people!
Compare these two pictures
Oh no!
Hobbes got in trouble in his day for saying that the king was all powerful,
that the state held the staff and not the other way around. Or rather, that
religious authorities were not more powerful than the state. This really
made the Pope mad!
The picture on the right side is of the great chain of being. Such
drawings were common to Medieval Europe. The point is that, unlike
Hobbes rendering, God sits at the top and people do not.
Context for where the Modern State Emerges
Treaty of Westphalia 1648
Leviathan 1651, English Civil War
Whats important about this treaty?
At this time, states recognize one anothers territorial claims (within Europe,
and in its colonies)
This recognition meant that rulers controlled certain set areas and the
people who resided there.
Before Westphalia, territorial markers were not as defined and authority
not as demarcated
Sovereignty (sole authority, claim to legitimate force)
European (Origins)
There are many forms of human community (tribe, empire, etc.) The state is
just one form of organizing peoples relationship to territory
Realisms State
Black box: dont need to look inside to understand it
Material power, relative gains: military stuff matters over all else, states compete with one another all the
time to preserve power inequalities relative to one another
Anarchy: NOT chaos, the idea is that there is no one universal state that controls the world
Survival and self-help: States want to survive and at the end of the day, only have themselves to rely upon
States are rational, make cost benefit calculations to preserve or gain more power vis-av-vis other states
Mearsheimer, Offensive Realism
Power = relative gains, that survival mandates aggressive behavior
War, politics
War is
the continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz)
What does this mean?
Continuum, tactics, politics = war, collective struggle
And contest/conflict
Mearsheimer, etc
Great powers: world politics is done by the biggest, most powerful states.
Everyone else just falls in line
Realism as science, descriptive and prescriptive; the way that Realists
understand politics is not only accurate, it provides the best path for policy
makers to engage in policy (according to Mearsheimer)
(Uni) (Bi) (Multi)-Polar World(s)
Polar worlds
Unipolar: One dominant state controls world system
Bipolar: Two states dominate
Multipolar: Multiple states vie for power
Mearsheimer believes that bipolar relations are best, the most stable
Case: North Korea
Nuclear Weapons
What to do about North Korea?
Walt & Video
Is MAD the best way to think about security and Korea?
This unit
Neoliberal Liberalism (yea, redundant)
Liberalism and IOs, Regimes (more next week)
what was its
Black box
Material power, relative gains
Survival and self-help, interests and preferences
State form alliances, BOP
International organizations and governance, they
matter; more than just alliances
State is not a black box
State and power, yet, but also reason
Economics matters is its own right, cannot reduce it to
military power (like the Realists want to do)
and anarchy:
No central, global government
No global sovereign
Not total chaos, but states are central actors, balance
one another, form alliances.
Liberals agree that anarchy exists, but that it is limited
often by global governance (GG)
Whats governance?
Working Definition: Providing order by steering other
actors and exerting power through coordinating decisionmaking actions
Three ways of thinking GG (1) way to describe nonhierarchical steering (2) order provided by elites
Yes, governments do the governing, but together,
simultaneously cooperating and limiting one anothers
powers through routine interaction
The UN
Why look at
the UN?
Realists look at the UN and see an international
organization that is dominated by the winners of WW2
(US, Russia, France, Britain, and China). Yes, thats
important, but also just look at the complexity of the
organization. Look also at the different areas where
the UN is active (nuclear energy, environmental
programs, childrens welfare). Liberals look at this ,
and say that the Realists cannot explain all of these
activities. Realists minimize, reduce not only the UN,
but most other international organizations and
agreements. Liberals pay more attention to them.
Peace and
Peace and
Three elements Kant tells us to look at:
Democracy; norms and accountability
Trade between countries
International Organizations, they provide networks for
communications and the means for states to make deals
They idea is simple: More of these three elements, then
more peace
Peace is these things, not just the absence of war
this graph?
Realists say war declines, perhaps, due to BOP, MAD,
and or the presence of a hegemon.
What would liberals say?
Check this
graph out
Liberals look at the number of democracies around the
world as Realists look at hegemons and the BOP.
What do liberals argue? They would say, as democracy
has spread, so has peace. Its not about hegemony, but
about more countries with elections that hold elites
accountable and more trade relations, which connect
different people together concerning profit-making.
Which theory do you think better explains the waning
of war?
Another example: European Union
a family of liberal democratic countries, acting
collectively through an institutionalized system of decisionmaking. When joining the EU, members sign up not only to
a system of treaties, legislation, and norms, but also shared
values, based on democracy, human rights
(Cini: 2007
European Union Politics)
? Monetary union, common currency, eliminated tariffs and
flow of people
? Supranational governmental institutions (no military)
? Regional integration, model of the world?
Coal and
1951 (1952), Treaty of Paris
Coordinate industrial production
between Belgium, France, Italy,
West Germany, Luxemburg,
the Netherlands
The EU: Example of Interdependence
? Keohane & Nye (1977)
? characterized by mu tu al d ep en d en ce, with situations characterized
by reciprocal effects among actors or actors
tran saction s are
costly with complex in terd ep en d en ce characterized by state
policy goal not arranged in stable h ierarch ies, the existence of
multiple channels of commu n ication between societies, and
irrelevan ce of militaries (Keohane & Nye: 1977).
and Reason
Reason, for
The Foundation of politics is morality
Morality is reason that no one should be treated as a
mean, everyone as an end-in-themselves
Laws, etc based on morality
Assumes that people communicate and discuss how
they want to be treated; this turns into institutions,
law, etc
Reason for Realists, way more restricted (remember
the Doctor Who video)
What would they claim about this stuff?
Form of govt doesnt matter
Peace is deterrence, MAD that absence of war and
presence of threats is peace
Tourism/Travel restrictions
No US trade
No US trade with countries that trade with Cuba
Cold War
Cold War
HelmsBurton Act,
Check this out and look for where Cuban emigrees are
located in the US
Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) 1992 Cuban Democracy Act
American National Foundation
States and
Check these out to see which states voted for which
Why bring
up Cuba?
The embargos origin can be explained by Realists the
US is scared of Cuba (because of the USSR placing
nukes there in the early 60s) and wants to get rid of
Castro. Liberals however can explain why the embargo
gets strengthened national security is no longer the
concern, but rather, domestic pressure groups (Cuban
emigrees (people who left Cuba when Castro took
power) want to see regime change on the island, and
they pressure representatives primarily in Florida and
New Jersey to support the 1996 revision
Realists say that the state is a blackbox. But liberals
disagree. This example illustrates one way that liberals
can explain something better than realists
What is it?
Is it the same as colonialism, or different?
How does it relate to free trade as way to interpret it, criticize it, or just is it
something different?
Lenins thinking on imperialism is it outdated?
Capitalism is (or was?)
Monopolies and trusts emerge FROM small business (Marx says this first, then Lenin notes
this too)
They produce too much, charge too much
Overproduction and underconsumption leads to economic crises
What to do (or where to go?) they invest abroad to make cheaper stuff and keep making
Realism and liberals?
What would they claim?
Imperialism: one class through a state to control another state, and/or region for economic
and/or political interests; directed, planned, organized
Over-production/accumulation led states economic elites to invest in foreign territories
Finance capitalism; allows capitalists to expand and move
Divide the world, conflict
Realists say WW1 was caused by a change in the BOP. Lenin (and through
imperialism) argues that capitalist states (really the corporations that create state
policy) drives states into territories (colonies) to keep capitalism alive. This leads
them to compete over resources and therefore, engage in violence
For Lenin (and Marxists), the cause of WW1 and WW2 is imperialism many do not
event acknowledge the so-called interwar period (1919-1939), noting that the
expansion of Nazi Germany and Japan in the 1930 was primarily for resources, ie due
to imperialism
Banks/capital control states
State manages class conflict, repression and social policy
Lenin (and Marxists in general) do not believe that politics is autonomous from
economics. The questions remains, how much do we need to analyze class relations to
understand politics?
Is this reductionist? And what about realist/liberal understandings of the state?
National-interest or economics, profits?
Class actors and nationalism
Finance, expansion into other markets that leads to conflicts
Economic motive to intl conflict?
Lenin over state the case?
Or Lenin historical for the moment, not any more?
International institutions?
Marxism and IR Theory
Marxism, what it is and is not
? Videos
? What do we do with these when understanding Marxism?
Marxism is
a critique of Capitalism, not theory of communism (Lenin
? How to critique capitalism?
? Marxism says, look at class, ideology, imperialism, dialectics
? State, not so important (as other theories)
And international anarchy?
? Remember, both realists and liberals see this as constitutive of IR
? Marxists, not so much
? Global capitalism reigns all actors in
Rupert on Marxist theory
? Viewed from the perspective of Marxist theory, both
liberalism and realism are profoundly limited, and limiting
for each takes as its premise a world of preconstituted
social actors and is therefore unable to understand the
social processes through which these kinds of actors
have been historically constructed, implicitly denying
the possibilities for alternative possible worlds which may
be latent
presuppositions of liberalism and realism
embody political commitments which are profoundly
conservative. (154)
1. Commodities
? Examples?
? What are they and what do they do?
? Video, zizek
Commodities and Ideology
? Two ways to think of ideology something that mystifies, so need to get rid
of it, or use it to mobilize people
? Dominant actors articulate a social vision which claims to serve the
interests of all, and they use selective incentives to recruit junior partners
into their coalition and divide/disable an opposition (Rupert).
? Consumerism as ideology?
? Zizeks point in the video is that commodities blind us, compel us to enjoy
and consume, making us unaware that stuff is made by people, by workers!
2. Class, Labor and Process
Class is not just high, middle, low income for Marxists
Class is about private property ownership and taking surplus
Private property for Marxists is something one owns AND has someone else work on eg, if you
own a computer, that is not private property UNLESS someone else uses it, and then you either
charge that person rent for a period of time, or pay that person by the hour to use it, THEN take
whatever that person did after working on your computer (eg, an app or website).
Surplus is profit AND objects owners take the time of workers and what they make. They then
sell to others, repeating the process over and over
What is key for capitalists is that they retain ownership of productive private property, never
ceding it to anyone. And that workers are paid, and return to work not as owners but always
as workers.
The Bourgeoisie, a Revolutionary Class
? The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part. The
bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all
feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations.
? The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the
instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and
with them the whole relations of society.
? The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market given a
cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country.
To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has drawn from under the feet of
industry the national ground on which it stood.
The Bourgeoisie and Proletariat
? This is a tendency that Marx sees developing over time, polarization and
greater inequality if capitalism is left to its own devices
? At one time, the Bourgeoisie were revolutionary to him meaning that they
took down older, pre-capitalist societies
? Now, the Bourgeoisie is depending on the state too much, and so, its
revolutionary period has passed
3. Class Struggle, Dialectics
? The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
(Communist Manifesto)
? Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they
do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances
existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all
dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. (18th
? Actors and structures mutually constitutive
Dialectics, cont
? History is not linear
? Dialectics is another word for contradiction; that together workers and
owners make products, but they exist as opposite of one another one has
property, the other d…
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