SOSC3042 York University Global South Region Research Paper Research Project This assignment will be based on your Project Proposal. You will develop soci

SOSC3042 York University Global South Region Research Paper Research Project This assignment will be based on your Project Proposal. You will develop social justice oriented, creative and practical research work of 5-pages. It is due in class on November 20. Your research work must list all references cited in an appropriate scholarly format, and typed, double-space and stapled.Instructions: Choose business and social exclusion topic. Choose country. Discuss your topic with respect to articles. Must develop social justice oriented, creative and practical research essay.NO SUMMARIESother information is in the pdf and it is around 1200 – 1300 worlds SOSC 3042 3.0
Business and Social Exclusion in the Global South
Fall 2019
Basic course information:
Lecturer: Dr. Salewa Olawoye
Classroom: DB 0016
Period: Period: Wed. 16:00-18:00h
Meetings with individual students (office hour): By appointment, usually Wed. 14.30h
Calendar course description
This course is for students in the Business and Society program. It investigates the
intersection of business practices and systemic bias against marginalized groups – in
particular visible minorities and women in the global economy.
Course Description
The central purpose of this course is to offer in a broad and an interdisciplinary framework for
understanding of business and trade exchanges in the Global South. The following questions
guide the course:
1) Are business practices in the Global South done differently? If so, in what way are they done
2) In what way does social exclusion in the Global South impede the development of socially
responsible business?
3) What are the consequences of the rapidly changing and globalizing market economy for social
inclusion and exclusion in the Global South?
4) Currently, the Global South is experiencing a problem of large scale human displacement that
is generating migrants and refugees. How are these migrants and refugees included and excluded
in business?
In order to address these questions, we will focus on selected examples from different Global
South countries. Throughout the course we will examine how ordinary people in the Global South
mediate the intersecting relations of gender, race, class, ethnicity, caste, ability and age in
The Major Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes are:
SOSC 3042 Fall 2018
i) To think creatively and critically on finding solutions to reduce social exclusion locally and
ii) To expand awareness of social inequality and related issues;
iii) To gain familiarity with a broad range of explanations of business and social exclusion;
iv) To think through the future challenges of business and social inclusivity in the rapidly
Globalizing World;
v) To learn about some of the challenges encountering business in the Global South countries;
vi) To appreciate the diversity of socio-economic and cultural forms found in the Global South
and to discuss how they shape social interaction in business.
Course Format: The format of the course is designed for students to actively engage with the
course readings and participate in class discussion, and share their interest and research findings.
The course readings have been selected to interest students in the key themes examined in the
course. Students are expected and required to do the weekly assigned readings before class and
participate in active and constructive dialogue. To make the course and tutorials successful,
students are encouraged to listen to one another carefully and participate in discussion that is
critical and respectful. In order to use our limited class/tutorial time effectively and equitably,
students are advised to be brief when participating in any class/tutorial discussions.
Organization of the Course
The course involves a combination of brief formal lectures by the course director and will be
followed by tutorial discussions. Each weekly lecture/tutorials will focus on covering the reading
assignment for the week. Seminar sessions and tutorials will be the main focus for discussion of
required and recommended readings, and research assignments in the course. The required
readings are central to the course. The lectures, tutorial, seminar discussions and films will serve
to enrich, clarify, and illustrate crucial issues from the assigned readings.
Student Conduct
Students and instructors are expected to maintain a professional relationship characterized by
courtesy and mutual respect and to refrain from actions disruptive to such a relationship.
Moreover, it is the responsibility of the instructor to maintain an appropriate academic
atmosphere in the classroom, and the responsibility of the student to cooperate in that endeavour.
Further, the instructor is the best person to decide, in the first instance, whether such an
atmosphere is present in the class. A statement of the policy and procedures involving disruptive
and/or harassing behaviour by students in academic situations is available on the York website at:
Rules for all of us
This course combines lecture and seminar, and during class discussion we may cover sensitive
issues of difference. All of us in this course are expected to help create a comfortable and positive
learning environment. The course is organized to encourage a participatory environment for
students, and students are encouraged to read the course material critically. In order for this to
work well, everyone must participate and do her/his part. Please, do not do text messaging during
lectures, seminars, presentations, and discussions.
Course Requirement
Class Attendance and Participation
Tutorial Participation
Tutorial Attendance
October 2
November 27
November 6, 13, 20
Given: November 27, Due
December 4
Short Assignment
Research Paper
Group Presentation
Take Home Test
Note: All assignments must be submitted in hard copy and with a title. They should display (at
the top right-hand corner) the title of your assignment, your name and student number,
course title and code, professor’s/TA’s name and the date submitted.
Attendance & Participation (10+10 + 5% = 25% of your final grade)
This component will be based on your class and tutorial attendance. Your tutorial
participation grade will be based on your contributions to discussions on the assigned
weekly course readings, awareness of issues in required readings, and to relate it to
broader concerns of the course.
For regularly attending class, you will receive 40% of the total marks for this section (at
least attending 10 classes (lecture & tutorials), 4% per lecture & tutorial. For active and
informed participation will result in receiving a higher grade. If you are uncomfortable
participating in class discussion, please, inform the instructor by email no later than the
second week of the course/term that you need an accommodation. You will be then
required to submit by email the weekly short analyses of the assigned reading for the
week by midnight on Tuesday before class on Wednesday afternoon.
Short Assignment (15% of your final grade).
For this assignment, you will write a commentary on an article selected for the Short
Detailed instructions for the assignment will be provided. The article addresses some of
the contemporary challenges facing the Global South.
Group Presentation: Group Presentation & One-Page Summary of Presentation
(15% of your final grade)
First, you will go through the list of course topics and readings to choose one for your
group presentation. There will be dedicated tutorial time for students to sign up and form
groups (between 5-6 students/group) based on their chosen theme/topic. Once groups are
finalized, each group is required to submit on a full sheet of paper (not a scrap piece of
paper) the chosen group topic, a working presentation title and the names of the group
members to the Lecturer/TA. If more than one group is interested in a particular
theme/topic, in order to avoid repetition, please, indicate your first, second and third
choices of theme/topic from the list. This should be handed in during class no later than
September 25. You will be notified of the approved theme and presentation date for your
group by Oct 2.
For this assignment, you will work collaboratively in a group by focusing your discussion
on one of the topics the course addresses. You will be given further explanation in class
and tutorial on how to proceed along with a list of suggested themes/topics. You are
encouraged to choose scholarly work whose focus interests you and motivates you to
engage in conversations with your group so that you may sharpen your focus and develop
a thoughtful and comprehensive grasp of the issue of Business and Social Exclusion in
the Global South. Groups will give their oral presentations to class on specific dates. For
each group presentation, there will be a few minutes for question and answer period. All
groups are required to submit a one-page summary to the Lecturer/TA at the start of their
A schedule of presentation time and date along with presentation guidelines will be
provided. This is done on first come first serve basis. Make sure to select your date early
before the term gets busy, and not to miss your presentation day. It is the
student’s/group’s responsibility to give presentation on the day of her/his choice, and
attend the presentations of other students/groups. First, you will be provided with a list of
topics and course readings to choose from for your group presentation. There will be
dedicated tutorial time for students to sign up and form groups (between 5-6
students/group) based on their chosen theme/topic. Once groups are finalized, each group
is required to submit on a full sheet of paper (not a scrap piece of paper) the chosen group
topic, a working presentation title and the names of the group members to the Course
Director/TA. If more than one group is interested in a particular theme/topic, in order to
avoid repetition, please, indicate your first, second and third choices of theme/topic from
the list. This should be handed in during class no later than October 2. You will be
notified of the approved theme and presentation date for your group by Oct 2.
Research Proposal
For this assignment,
a) You will select one Global South country or a region in one of the Global South
country of your choice.
b) You will develop a title for your research proposal.
c) You will choose three course readings
Your research proposal will be the basis for your research project. Once you have
selected your topic and submitted your proposal, you will not be able to change your
research project.
The suggested themes will help you focus and narrow your proposal and research topic
dealing with issues that will be covered in the course. This is done on first come first
serve basis.
Make sure to select your title and start working on your projects and essay early before
the term gets busy.
You will submit, 1) a two-page double spaced project proposal with a working title and
discussion of what your project plan is; and 2) an annotated bibliography listing three
references from the course readings. Your annotated bibliography will be a short
summary of each article with a brief statement showing its relevance to your project
written in a single spaced format, between 250-300 words for each article.
Research Project (20% of your final grade).
This assignment will be based on your Project Proposal. You will develop social justice
oriented, creative and practical research work of 5-pages. It is due in class on November
20. Your research work must list all references cited in an appropriate scholarly format,
and typed, double-space and stapled.
Take Home (25% of your final grade).
The Take Home Test will consist of short answers and essay type questions on material
covered in the course until November 13. It is due in class on the last day of class. The
Take Home Test’s questions, and instructions will be given out on November 28.
Assignment Deadlines and Submissions
Late assignments will not be accepted. Exceptions will be made only in extreme
circumstances that are supported with documents. If you foresee problems with meeting
deadlines, please email the Lecturer/TA well ahead of time before the test or the due date
for the assignment.
Assignments received later than the due date will be penalized by 5% of the value of the
assignment per day that the assignments are late. For example, if an assignment worth
20% of the total course grade is a day late, 1 point out of 20 (or 5% per day) will be
Assignment Format
All assignments must be typed, double-spaced and stapled. The paper must give the full
and correct references for the articles/books, etc., cited. Please, consult for style any
current sociology/anthropology journals or books. Students are expected to use the
material from lectures, seminars, films and class participation for the assignments.
Sources (articles and books) other than those provided in the syllabus can be used as
supplement, but not as substitute.
Read all readings. Bring readings to class.
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Land exclusion
Hall, D., Hirsch, P., & Li, T. M. (2011). Introduction to powers of exclusion:
land dilemmas in Southeast Asia.
Week 3 Race, Gender and Informal Banking
Hossein, C. S. (2013). The Black social economy: Perseverance of banker
ladies in the slums. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 84(4),
Week 4 Entrepreneurship, Social and Cultural Capital at the Margins
Meagher, K. (2009). Trading on faith: religious movements and informal
economic governance in Nigeria. The Journal of Modern African
Studies, 47(3), 397-423.
Barnes, S. (2009). Religion, Social Capital and Development in the Sahel:
The Niass Tijaniyya in Niger. Journal of International Affairs, 62(2), 209221.
Week 5 Moral Economy of Inclusion and Exclusion
Kabeer, N. (2002). Citizenship, affiliation and exclusion: perspectives from
the South.
Shiva, V. (2001). Special Report: Golden Rice and Neem: Biopatents and
the Appropriation of Women’s Environmental Knowledge. Women’s
Studies Quarterly, 29(1/2), 12-23.
Week 6 Social exclusion and Everyday Work
Hossein, C. S. (2015). Black women in the marketplace: everyday genderbased risks against Haiti’s madan saras (women traders). Work
Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 9(2), 36-50.
Thorat, S., & Attewell, P. (2007). The legacy of social exclusion: A
correspondence study of job discrimination in India. Economic and political
weekly, 4141-4145.
Week 7 Race, Social Exclusion in Everyday Work and Micro-Banking
Hossein, C. S. (2014). The exclusion of Afro-Guyanese Hucksters in
micro-banking. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean
Studies/Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 7598.
Week 8 Financial Exclusion
Johnson, S., & Nino-Zarazua, M. (2011). Financial access and exclusion in
Kenya and Uganda. The Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 475-496.
Week 9 Some Alternative Ways of Dealing with Financial Exclusion
Fasoranti, M. M. (2013). Rural savings mobilization among women: a
pancea for poverty reduction. Abstract of Economic, Finance and
Management Outlook, 1(1), 1-40.
Nwabughuogu, A. I. (1984). The isusu: an institution for capital 1 formation
among the Ngwa Igbo; its origin and development to 1951. Africa, 54(4),
Week 10 Local Culture, Fashion and Business
Ajani, O. A. (2012). Aso ebi: the dynamics of fashion and cultural
commodification in Nigeria. The Journal of Pan African Studies, 5(6), 10818.
Langlois, T. (1998). The Gnawa of Oujda: Music at the margins in
Morocco. The world of music, 135-156.
Week 11 Women in Informal Textile Business
Prag, E. (2013). Mama Benz in trouble: networks, the state, and fashion
wars in the Beninese textile market. African Studies Review, 101-121.
Week 12 Gender Intersecting with Many Factors of Social Exclusion
Mander, H. (2008). Living with Hunger: Deprivation among the aged,
Single Women and people with Disability. Economic and Political Weekly,
Bolles, A. L. (2002). Michael manley in the vanguard towards gender
equality. Caribbean quarterly, 48(1), 45-56.

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