BUS350 Excelsior College McDonalds Strategy and Human Resources Planning Paper We have to choose one industry to discuss and use in this paper.A comprehens

BUS350 Excelsior College McDonalds Strategy and Human Resources Planning Paper We have to choose one industry to discuss and use in this paper.A comprehensive research paper on the key learning objectives from this course will fulfill Dialogue of Self and Study (DSS) 300 Level written communication requirements.Your paper must include separate sections addressing what you have learned regarding each of the six learning outcomes for this course. You should structure your paper into six sections one for each of the five course objectives. Your paper should be 12-15 pages long, and should demonstrate what you have learned in this course.You may use the content you have written in previous assignments in this course. You should not, however, simply copy-and-paste your module papers into one document and consider this complete… This assignment is your opportunity to revise, build upon, add to, and fully integrate your previous work together with new research and editing as needed. The Final Paper requires research from course materials and at least three (3) independent scholarly sources that you find separate from course materials. Students are encouraged to share their sources in advance with the instructor, to be certain that what you’ve found are reputable and acceptable sources for your Final Paper. Running head: COMPENSATION AND PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Adam Ghalem
Lynn University
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Compensation and pay-for-performance are crucial tools that can be used by businesses
to enhance the motivation of employees. However, different industries require different
motivation tools to have a long-term impact on the market. In other words, a particular
motivation tool would work more effectively for a specific sector. Focusing on the retailing
industry, to ensure that a compensation program is strategic or will have a long-term effect in the
industry, the plan should be focused on the daily activities of the employees (Wang, Thornhill, &
Zhao, 2018). That is, the employee should be compensated with the number of products sold
through him or her.
The best compensation programmer in the retail industry is commission rather than
giving salaries. The program will be strategic since the employees will know that their income
will be based on the amount of his or her sales. In this case, the employee will always try to work
much harder to ensure that he or she earns more than the previous period. It will also benefit the
company since there will be no waste of money for non-productive employees (Wang et al.,
2018). However, the program may discourage the employees, especially when the general
economy is performing poorly. That is when the economy is low, the expected sales will
automatically be more depressed, implying that the employees will earn less irrespective of their
hard work. This means that the industry should consider setting minimum pay, depending on the
performance of the economy.
The industry can easily ensure that the ethics or codes related to retail trade through
checking the records of the stock. This strategy should be applied in individual businesses within
the industry to achieve the most effective results. That is, every company should conduct internal
auditing to determine the stock remaining and sold items (Abbott et al., 2016). Auditing is also
essential since it prevents cases such is shortage and oversupply in the market.
Abbott, L. J., Daugherty, B., Parker, S., & Peters, G. F. (2016). Internal audit quality and
financial reporting quality: The joint importance of independence and competence.
Journal of Accounting Research, 54(1), 3-40.
Wang, T., Thornhill, S., & Zhao, B. (2018). Pay‐for‐performance, employee participation, and
SME performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(3), 412-434.
Running head: EEO AND HRM
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Adam Ghalem
Lynn University
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Equal employment opportunity is when the broad range of employment practices is
designed in such a way that it ensures nondiscrimination based on gender, sexual orientation,
race, religion, age, or color. Diversity and inclusion take into consideration the range of human
differences where involvement and empowerment are practiced to ensure dignity and worth of
the people is recognized (Leonard, 2016). Across the US, various industry sectors strive to
ensure the practice of equal employment opportunities, diversity, and inclusion. However,
inherent challenges still exist in some industries, such as the restaurant service industry.
The restaurant service industry provides vast employment opportunities both directly and
indirectly. However, various employment challenges are leading to discrimination based on race,
sex, sexual orientation, color, and religion. Studies into employment practices in the restaurant
industry indicate a high level of employment discrimination based on race. In 2014, for instance,
employment applications to high-end restaurants in the country showed that 77% of the minority
races were less likely to be hired compared to the white majority (America’s, 2015).
Employment discrimination in the US restaurant industry also involves gender
occupational segregation. A study by the Restaurant Opportunities Center United (ROC United)
revealed a difference in employee earnings based on gender between white and black employees.
For instance, there is a $4 gap in earning between the white and black restaurant workers in the
state of California (America’s, 2015). The wage discrimination in the restaurant industry based
on gender amounts to 56% difference in earnings between the black and white female workers.
The bona fide occupational qualifications in the restaurant industry ensure a genuine
recruiting process. However, some of the bona fide occupational requirements often lead to
employment discrimination. Some employers often impose the bona fide qualifications that form
legal discrimination in the employment process. For instance, many restaurants often get away
with the bona fide occupational requirements based on sex. According to Title VII of the BFOQ
exceptions, employers can hire employees based on sex, mainly where sex is necessary to the
regular operation of the business. The use of uniforms in the restaurant industry has seen
increased employment discrimination favoring women to achieve the sexy spectrum
(hrlawinsider.com, 2015). In 1997, for example, Hooters Restaurant was fined $3.75 million for
discriminatory employment based on sex.
Diversity and inclusion in the restaurant industry increase the competitive advantage.
Various ways can be used to ensure increased diversity and inclusion to increase the competitive
edge. For instance, there is a need for employers to exercise extreme caution concerning
employment decisions on employee’s protected statuses (hrlawinsider.com, 2015). Issues such as
gender and race are essential in diversifying the workplace environment as well as ensuring
inclusivity in the workplace. Similarly, due to the shifting nature of culture, various complex
issues such as the LGBTQ community rights should be taken into consideration by employers to
satisfy the bona fide occupational qualifications hence creating diversity and inclusion.
On the whole, employers in the restaurant industry need to exercise caution during the
employment process to ensure equal employment opportunity as well as increased diversity and
inclusion to improve the organization’s competitive advantage. Trends in the fast-food industry
indicate that the employment process should not only satisfy the physical appearance of
employees but by the bona fide occupational qualification defense. Similarly, employment in
each restaurant organization should be made to fit the individual work culture.
America’s, E. J. (2015). Restaurants: Racial and Gender Occupational Segregation in the
Restaurant Industry.
hrlawinsider.com. (2015). Why is Hooters Allowed to Discriminate by Hiring Only Women?
Retrieved from http://hrlawinsider.com/category/bar-and-restaurant-industry/
Leonard, J. S. (2016). Advancing Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity, and Employee
Rights: Good Will, Good Management, and Legal Compulsion. In Industrial Relations to
Human Resources and Beyond: The Evolving Process of Employee Relations
Management (pp. 270-304).
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Adam Ghalem
Lynn University
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Employee benefits have become an essential element of motivation for companies in the
modern world. Companies are offering their staffs a range of benefits to motivate them and
increase their retention capacity (Pradhan & Jena, 2017). Like any other industry, the food and
beverage sector players have not been left behind and have joined the bandwagon. According to
Yamamoto (2011), strong employee benefits plans help retain the talent required to thrive in
today’s turbulent business environment. The type of benefits that are common among employers
in the food and beverage sector includes health insurance plans, wellness program, employee
training, and development opportunities, retirement benefits, and retirement benefits.
Hiring and keeping talented employees has become an uphill task making companies
devise strategies that will enable them to attract and retain the best talents in their industries. As
Miller (2016) says, human resource companies in distinct companies are strategically leveraging
employee benefits as a recruitment and retention tool. Similarly, companies operating in the food
and beverage industry can espouse the same approach to differentiate their companies from their
rivals. By doing so, they will be assured of being competitive on recruitment and talent retention
matters, an instance that in turn enhances their success attained through improved profitability
and innovativeness. Some of the ways that an employer in this industry could use benefits to
differentiate itself from its competitors are the introduction of unique benefits such as remote
working to promote the work-life balance of its staff. A company could also introduce a health
insurance program that extends benefits to a high number of dependents than its competitors.
Lastly would be an introduction of a company-funded training and development program to
enable staff to advance their professional skills. Launching an employee stock option program
would also differentiate an organization from its competitors.
There are several ways that companies would use to ensure that the value to the
organization from offering employee benefits is worth their expenditure. The first way would be
implementing a specific number of years that employees would serve the firm so that they could
start enjoying the benefits. For example, five years of service to be eligible for education
programs. The next way would be requiring the staff to demonstrate a certain level of
commitment and performance to earn benefits such as work-life balance. Lastly, it would be to
restrict the exercise of employee benefits, for example, stating that the employee stock option
would be exercisable after a certain number of years. This would make employees stick with an
organization until the period lapses.
Miller, S. (2016). Employers Alter Benefits to Attract, Retain Employees, SHRM Finds.
Retrieved 8 November 2019, from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hrtopics/benefits/pages/alter-benefits-attract-retain.aspx
Pradhan, R. K., & Jena, L. K. (2017). Employee performance at workplace: Conceptual model
and empirical validation. Business Perspectives and Research, 5(1), 69-85.
Yamamoto, H. (2011). The relationship between employee benefit management and employee
retention. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(17), 35503564.
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Adam Ghalem
Lynn University
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Interactions in the workplace can sometimes result in injuries to fellow employees,
clients or even strangers. In some instances, employers have been held responsible for mistakes
that employees make in the workplace. However, some scenarios, some of which I will discuss
below, really strike me as strange and odd. My discussion will not be tied to a specific industry,
but I will rather be general in my approach because some of these laws or scenarios can cut
across industries.
Under some laws such as “Respondeat Superior” (“Let the Superior Answer”), an
employer is required to be answerable for any mistakes that his workers do in the workplace
(Ferrara & Sanger, 1983). However, this law would apply only if the worker was operating
within the scope of employment; the employee was carrying out the instructions of the employer.
The purpose of this law is to hold employers responsible for the misconduct of carelessness of
employees, especially if such risks are part of the business. However, in cases where employees
act out of their own motives, then employers may not be held responsible.
For instance, under some laws, a person who gets injured by an employee may sue an
employer for failing to exercise caution when hiring employees “negligent hiring”, or for
continuing to keep such an employee even after learning that he poses danger (Camacho, 1993).
This legal theory may even apply to the misconduct or mistakes that employees make outside the
scope of employment, and may be used to hold employers liable for misconducts such as
robbery, murder or rape. However, the victim will have the burden of proving the carelessness of
the employer. What strikes me as strange in this legal theory is the fact that an employee can be
answerable for the mistakes of workers who might have been acting out of their own
motivations. In my opinion, this law “Let the Superior answer” should only apply when an
employee causes harm under the line of duty. In addition, some individuals can hide the truth
about themselves especially when they want to be employed, and it can be difficult for an
employer to decipher some truths about employees. In addition, an employer may decide to
retain an employee after certain mistakes because of their value to the company. I believe that
each employee should be treated individually and differently, depending on the nature of the
misconduct. This is not to say that employers cannot be answerable to the actions of their
employees; employees should also exercise caution not to cause harm to others.
Camacho, R. A. (1993). How to avoid negligent hiring litigation. Whittier L. Rev., 14, 787.
Ferrara, R. C., & Sanger, D. (1983). Derivative Liability in Securities Law: Controlling Person
Liability, Respondeat Superior, and Aiding and Abetting. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 40, 1007.
The Technology Industry
Adam Ghalem
Lynn University
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Organization Branding for Recruitment Purpose
During the recruitment of employees, the organization’s brand is essential. It plays a
critical role in employee value proposition and what the organizations mean to the potential
employees. As an employer, there is a need to create an employment branding strategy in the
effort to brand the organization as the right place for people to work. The first thing is to
understand the organization’s vision, values, culture, and mission. This understanding helps in
hiring the right talents and skills that are needed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the
organization. The company has to conduct internal research to know how the current employees
perceive the organization, then do external research to understand how competitive the
organization is in the job market (Ferris, 2016).
Senior and Middle-level Positions Recruitment Method
For senior and middle-level positions focusing on internal recruitment or promotion is the
most appropriate approach. Promoting employees into new positions is the best because the
employees are already sensitive to the company’s culture and will adapt quickly. Internal
employees have a perfect knowledge of the company’s protocol and inner operations. It also acts
as an internal rewarding system for those employees who help the organization to achieve goals.
Another benefit of promotion is that the organization has a perfect knowledge of the reputation
of the employee (Kupar, 2018).
Screening Process
Screening for the most appropriate applicants qualified for the job is the most important
thing in the recruitment process. A significant number of applicants are not qualified or capable
of doing the job. The criteria for screening should be related to the ability to perform the job and
must be captured in the job description (Kupar, 2018). Screening conducted through balancing
between job criteria and the standards that are enough to ensure quality performance. The
screening process is, therefore, based on the traits and qualities of the current employees in those
Selection Process
After screening for the viable candidate, the next step is to create a scorecard. The
scorecard is used to list all the criteria and assign each candidate a rating. The list ensures that
each criteria are applied to each employee consistently and fairly (Kupar, 2018). It also allows
easy identification of the best candidates on the list. From the ratings of the candidates, the best
will be chosen for interviews depending on the number of employees required. After the
interview, only the qualified are hired.
Recruitment Questions
Some of the interview questions that I would ask the candidates include:
What developments are they working on currently?
What tough software development problems they have ever solved?
What development methodologies they are familiar with?
How have they been handling issues in their current company?
What process did they use to find and test bugs in a program?
Ferris, W. (2016). Employment Branding – HCI Topic in the Talent Acquisition … Retrieved from
Kupar, R. (2018). (PDF) Recruitment and Selection – researchgate.net. Retrieved from
Brief Contents
Part 1 Human Resources Management in Perspective
1 The Rewards and Challenges of Human Resources Management 3
2 Strategy and Human Resources Planning 39
Part 2 Meeting Human Resources Requirements
3 Equal Employment Opportunity and Human Resources Management 89
4 Job Analysis and Job Design 131
Part 3 Developing Effectiveness in Human Resources
5 Expanding the Talent Pool: Recruitment and Careers 165
6 Employee Selection 223
7 Training and Development 261
8 Performance Management 299
Part 4 Implementing Compensation and Security
9 Managing Compensation 343
10 Pay-for-Performance: Incentive Rewards 383
11 Employee Benefits 419
12 Promoting Safety and Health 457
Part 5 Enhancing Employee-Management Relations
13 Employees Rights and Discipline 497
14 The Dynamics of Labor Relations 535
Part 6 Expanding Human Resources Management Horizons
15 International Human Resources Management 573
16 Implementing HR Strategy: High-Performance Work Systems 621
Integrative Cases 652
Glossary 679
Name Index 691
Organization Index 693
Subject Index 696

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