Koyoki Business Assignment | Custom Assignment Help

Company: 21st-century fox inc Just look at page7 and 8 The company of my friend and I is 21st-century fox inc Have you seen page7 and page 8? It requires 10 sources and two of them are from the curtinuni library, but you don’t have access, so what should I do? Then remember that the references list is for Chicago 17 and requires intext and end text [File] After logging in, tell the teacher to write, you must press database and then proquest Will give u student access after hire, if not remind me

CIB1100 – Communication in Business
Assessment Guide
Trimester 2, 2020
Colleges of Business and Technology WA Pty Ltd T/A Curtin College CRICOS Provider Code 02042G
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The Unit Outline and the Assessment Guide for Communication in Business (CIB1100) provide the full requirements of the unit and both should be referred to when completing unit assessments.
In all the written assessments for this unit, it is important that you present your work in a way that communicates a professional attitude. Below are some formatting rules that should be followed for each written assessment:
Type or word-process your assessment
 Use a 12 font size
 Use Arial font
 Leave a margin of 2.5 cm around all four sides of the page
 Use double spacing between lines
 Use a Header to insert you name and student ID number at the top of the page
 Number pages clearly
 Keep a copy of your submitted assessments
For Reference List:
 Formatted according the Chicago 17th B (Author-Date) Edition referencing system;
 Use single space for each source entry; and
 Use double space between entries.
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Assessment 1: Referencing Skills
Due Date: In Class, Module 4, Week Commencing Monday 20 July 2020
Weighting: 10 %
Assessment Task
This task will focus and assess your referencing skills through a series of questions related to news articles. You will need to properly reference the articles for both in-text and reference list entries, as well as summarising and paraphrasing information from the text provided.
• Duration: 45 minutes
• Format:
o Two Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs), worth 2 mark each.
o One short answer question, work 6 marks, based on the text provided.
Submission Requirements
In-class assessments are to be completed in your timetabled class in the week due, unless advised otherwise by the College. If you are unable to attend your timetabled class on the day of the assessment, you will need to follow standard assessment extension procedures.
Marking Criteria & Feedback
Each class will have a different question set, and a detailed marking guide will be provided to each marker. For the MCQ questions, there will be no partial marks awarded for any question. For the final question, students will be marked on their language skills, use of in-text citations, and content development. See the rubric below for detailed marking criteria.
Referencing Skills Short Question Marking Rubric (Weighting 6%)
The result will be an average of the categories.
< 49%
Pass 50-59%
Credit Pass 60-69%
Distinction 70-79%
High Distinction 80-100%
Content Development
Superficial and/or inadequate addressing of the provided text.
Demonstrates inadequate understanding of
key concepts.
Attempted to identify the key themes or ideas from the provided text, with too many direct quotations and/or omissions
Addressed some of the key themes or ideas from the provided text, with a reliance on direct quotations and
Included most of the key themes and ideas from the provided text, with some reliance on direct quotations and/or some omissions
Clearly synthesised the information from the provided text, including addressing key themes and ideas in your own words
Fails to follow
Mostly followed
Mostly followed
Followed Chicago 17th
Chicago 17th B
followed Chicago
Chicago 17th B
Chicago 17th B Author-
B Author-Date
17th B Author-Date
Date Referencing
conventions, including
conventions, including
appropriate use of
appropriate use of
quotation marks and
quotation marks and
appropriate use of
appropriate use of
appropriate use of
in-text citations, with
in-text citations.
quotation marks
quotation marks and
quotation marks and
some small omissions
and in-text
in-text citations, with
in-text citations, with
or errors.
some omissions or
omissions or errors.
Poor structure
Basic structure.
Content mostly
Content flows well. A
Highly persuasive.
and/or mechanical
flows. Mostly well
few inconsistent
Sound mechanics.
errors affecting
mechanical errors
structured. A few
mechanical errors.
Language and
that do not affect
mechanical errors
that do not affect
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Assessment 2: Business Essay
Due Date: Module 7, Monday 10th August, 2020 at 8am (AWST)
Weighting: 30 %
Assessment Task
In Assessment Two, your task is to review the behaviours, actions and communications of one of the companies listed below of your choice:
1. Uber Technologies Inc.
2. Rio Tinto Group
3. BP plc (The British Petroleum Company plc).
4. Barclays Bank PLC
5. Siemens AG
6. 21st Century Fox Inc.
7. Equifax; the credit-reporting agency
8. Kobe Steel Ltd.; operating as KOBELCO
In your own words:
• Examine and critique one or two aspects of the company’s social performance with regards to fulfilling society’s expectations on how the company should operate its business.
• You can look at a company’s performance in regards to the environment, equality, employment, community development, health and human rights, just to name a few options. Highlight both areas of achievement and those requiring improvement.
• If you choose to look at one aspect, examine both the positive and negative behaviours related to that aspect.
• If you choose to look at two aspects, focus on one positive aspect and one negative aspect, to allow enough depth in your writing.
• Examine and discuss the impact and implications of the company’s actions on society and stakeholders.
• Provide your conclusions about the company’s performance in society, based on the information you provide in your paper.
Word Limit: 1600 words (+-10% allowed). This INCLUDES in-text citations, headings, sub-headings, etc. Anything in the body of your paper is included as part of the word count. This excludes the assignment cover sheet and reference list. The word count over the prescribed word limit will not be marked. This will be strictly enforced.
Referencing requirement: You are required to fully reference at least Ten sources of information of which two sources must be from Curtin University Library database. You can reference any combination of books, edited books, www, journal articles from the full-text databases, current affairs magazines, newspapers etc. Although you are allowed to use WWW references, you should be discerning about the validity of those sources and how robust the information is. Online academic databases such as ProQuest DO NOT count as (www) internet references.
This is an assignment that asks you to reflect broadly on the role of business, how it communicates and acts on a social issue facing it in any society. Take time to reflect on the many arguments and pieces of information presented in the literature. You will need to read widely and broadly.
Submission Requirements
Please submit the essay as a Word Document (.DOC or .DOCX) through the Turnitin submission point on Moodle. It is the student’s responsibility to check that the electronic file(s) are:
a) Readable,
b) Fully complete,
c) In the required file format
d) Clearly identified using the required file-naming convention e.g. student ID number followed by the assessment name; and
e) A back-up copy of the assessment has been kept.
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Business Essay Marking Rubric
The result will be divided by six to determine the mark out of 100, then converted to a score out of 30.
F (0-49%)
P (50-59%)
C (60-69%)
D (70-79%)
HD (80-100%)
Context and Purpose
Did not demonstrate adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task.
Demonstrates some consideration of context, audience, and purpose and attempts to focus on the assigned task.
Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task.
Demonstrates a good understanding of context, audience, and purpose and fully aligns with the assigned task.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task and focuses all elements of the work.
The issue/problem to
The issue/problem
The issue/problem to
The issue/problem to
The issue/problem to
be considered critically
to be considered
be considered critically
be considered critically
be considered critically
is not clearly stated
with limited evidence
is stated clearly and
is stated clearly and
is stated clearly and
and described. There
of critical thinking. It
described with enough
described thoroughly,
are significant
is stated clearly and
information for an
with evidence of grasp
omissions and/or
described with
of complexity.
Understanding of
enough information
understanding. There
complexity is and all
for an adequate
are no omissions
relevant information
and/or errors.
necessary for a full
There are some
understanding is
omissions and/or
described and
The analysis is not
A coherent analysis
A coherent analysis is
A coherent and
A coherent and
coherent and is based
is based on partial
based on thorough
complete analysis is
on irrelevant
use of relevant
use of relevant
analysis is based on
based on complete
information, concepts
information, concepts
thorough use of the
use of all relevant
and methods. The
concepts and
and methods. The
most relevant
information, concepts
analysis is based on
methods. The
information analysed
information, concepts
and methods. The
very limited sources.
information analysed
is gathered from
and methods. The
information analysed
is gathered from
several relevant
information analysed
is gathered from many
several relevant
is gathered from many
diverse, high-quality
diverse, high-quality
Sources and
Did not demonstrate
Demonstrates some
Demonstrates skilful
consistent use of
use of credible,
consistent use of
consistent use of a
use of high- quality,
credible, relevant
relevant sources to
credible, relevant
range of credible,
credible, relevant
sources to support
support ideas that
sources to support
relevant sources to
sources to develop
ideas that are situated
are situated within
ideas that are situated
support key ideas that
ideas that are
within the genre of
the genre of essay
within the genre of
are pertinent to the
pertinent to the genre
essay writing.
essay writing.
genre of essay writing.
of essay writing.
Did not sufficiently
Some referencing
Most references were
Most references were
All references were
reference as per
was done correctly
College standards,
in-text (direct quotes
acknowledged, both
acknowledged, both
acknowledged, both
including inadequate
and paraphrased
in-text (direct quotes
in-text (direct quotes
in-text (direct quotes
paraphrasing or failure
text), as per the
and paraphrased text)
and paraphrased text)
and paraphrased text)
to identify direct
Chicago referencing
and within the
and within the
and within the
quotes. The Chicago
format. The
reference list, in the
reference list, in the
reference list, in the
referencing format
reference list had
Chicago referencing
Chicago referencing
Chicago referencing
was not followed. The
format. The reference
format. The reference
format. The reference
reference list was
list had some
list was consistent.
list was consistent with
absent or with
no errors.
deficiencies evident.
Control of Syntax
Did not use language
Uses language
Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity although writing may include some errors.
Uses language that
Uses language that
and Mechanics
that conveys meaning
sufficiently with
effectively conveys
skillfully and effectively
to readers with
reasonable effect to
some complex ideas
sufficient clarity and
convey basic
and meaning to
sophisticated ideas
includes numerous
meaning although
readers with clarity.
and meaning to
errors reduce
Any errors that occur
readers with clarity
effectiveness of
do not reduce
and fluency, and is
effectiveness of
virtually error-free
Page 9 of 11
Assessment 3: Group presentation (Group: 10%; Individual 15%) and individual reflection (5%)
Due Date: Module 11, live in-class via Zoom
Weighting: 30 %
Assessment Task
The company you selected in Assessment Two is currently a signatory to the United Nation’s Global Compact, or considering becoming a member. The United Nation’s Global Compact guides companies’ social performance. Like all signatories, your company would be or is planning to be a member of their Global Compact Local Network, which aims to achieve compliance with the ten principles of the Global Compact.
As part of an Executive board (i.e. a group of three or four scholars representing different companies), review the information of your group members (from Assessment 2) to develop the best recommendations to achieve compliance with two Global Compact principles. You must select these principles no later than Module 8. Consider the work of all group members as well as the feedback provided by your Lecturer from Assessment Two to come up with an original group approach.
In Assessment Three, you will deliver your oral presentation live via Zoom during your scheduled class. Your oral presentation will be accompanied by visual aids and as a group, you are proposing a unified approach to Local Network members and convince them this approach can be effective in achieving compliance with the two Global Compact principles.
Objective: To deliver a formal presentation as a member of an Executive Board
Audience: Local Network members
Aim: Provide recommendations to the Local Network
Purpose of presentation: Review the information of your group members (Assessment 2)
Scope: Live delivery of presentation during class (via Zoom) accompanied by PowerPoint slides. The PowerPoint slides need to be adequately in-text referenced and include a reference list that is Chicago 17th ed compliant.
Your presentation should accomplish the following:
1. Review and present a selection of business practices and/or approaches from your companies that relate to the two principles of the Global Compact.
2. Discuss both the positive and negative lessons learned from these business practices and approaches.
3. Develop innovative business practice recommendations, which will improve compliance to the two Global principles. These should be based on the review you have undertaken and your understanding of the lessons learned.
4. Discuss the benefits, challenges, and risks for key stakeholders if these recommendations are implemented.
For the Local Network presentation, your working group has been:
 Allocated a maximum of 20 minutes to speak.
 Each member must speak during the Zoom presentation for an equal amount of time (i.e. approximately 5 minutes per team member).
 Asked to provide a one-page handout summarizing the key points from your presentation to assist the audience in understanding your proposal.
 Provided with a Google Doc to take your meeting minutes on to act as your evidence of group work.
The Local Network is made up of different company representatives from a variety of industries. You need to keep the diversity of your audience in mind when communicating your ideas.
Your group will have a maximum of four members and each member will be a representative from one of the eight companies. There is to be no duplication of companies in a group.
As part of assessment, you must submit the following to your Lecturer:
• Minutes (Google Doc) of the group meetings reflecting all of your decisions and each group member’s level of participation. This will be in the form of the Google Doc that will be set up for each group by your tutor.
• Your one-page summary setting out the key points of your presentation via Turnitin BEFORE the in-class presentation.
• The PowerPoint presentation slides via Turnitin BEFORE the in-class presentation.
• An individual reflection on the group work process to be submitted by Friday, 11th September, 2020 at 5pm (AWST) via Turnitin.
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Late submissions penalties will apply if any document is submitted after your presentation, or if you fail to submit the mandatory reflection piece by the due date. Refer to the Deferred Internal Assessments section for further information.
Marking Criteria & Feedback
Please refer to the Oral Presentation Marking Rubric. While there is a shared group mark, many components of this assessment are marked individually, based on your presentation skills and contribution to the group.
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Oral Presentation – Group Mark (10% Weighting)
The mark will be an average of the sections below. It is based on the content presented on the day, as well as your PowerPoint Slides and one page summary (submitted to your lecturer).
F (0-49%)
P (50-59%)
C (60-69%)
D (70-79%)
HD (80-100%)
Supporting material had most, if not all, of the following errors:
Contained unprofessional
Supporting material had two or more of the following major errors:
Supporting material accomplished some of the following, with two or three errors:
Supporting material accomplished most of the following to a high standard, with one or two minor errors:
Used professional language
Contained few, if any, grammatical errors
Design had a creative layout that conveyed ideas clearly
Design was easy to read
Layout was visually engaging, including the use of multiple additional elements such as images or videos
Supporting material accomplished all, or nearly all, of the following to a very high standard:
Used appropriate, professional language
Free from, grammatical errors
Design had a creative layout that conveyed ideas clearly and comprehensively
Design was easy to read
Layout was comprehensively visually engaging, including the use of multiple additional elements such as
images or videos
Layout and Syntax
language not suited to the task
Contained numerous grammatical errors
Contained unprofessional language not suited to the task
Used professional language
Contained few, if any, grammatical errors
Design had poor layout that did not convey ideas clearly
Contained numerous grammatical errors
Design had poor
Design had good layout that conveyed ideas
Design was difficult to read
layout that did not convey ideas clearly
Design was easy to read
Visual engagement was minimal, with few if any additional elements such as images or videos
Design was difficult to read
Visual engagement
was minimal, with few if any additional
Some attempt at visual engagement, including the use of additional elements such as
images or videos
elements such as
images or videos
Presentation had most, if
Presentation had two
Presentation accomplished some of the following, with two or three errors:
Content made appropriate reference to information or analysis
Content supported the presentation
Recommendations were supported by analysis and development, and logically followed from the information provided
Recommendations were feasible, and new actions for the company
Presentation accomplished most of the following to a high standard, with one or two minor errors:
Content fully supported the presentation
Recommendations were supported by strong analysis and development, and logically followed from the information provided
Recommendations were feasible, and new actions for the company, with clear implementation plans
Presentation accomplished all, or nearly all, of the following to a very high standard:
Content comprehensively referenced information or analysis
Content fully supported the presentation
Recommendations were completely supported by strong analysis and development, and logically followed from the information provided
Recommendations were feasible, and
not all, of the following errors:
of the following major errors:
Content made insufficient
Content made
reference to information or
insufficient reference
Content only minimally
to information or analysis
supported the presentation
Content only minimally
Recommendations were not fully supported by
supported the presentation
analysis and development
were not fully
Recommendations were not feasible or repeated current company actions
supported by analysis and development
were not feasible or
repeated current
Page 12 of 11
company actions
new actions, with thoughtful implementation plans
Page 13 of 11
Oral Presentation – Individual Mark: Presentation Skills (10% Weighting)
The mark will be an average of the sections below.
F (0-49%)
P (50-59%)
C (60-69%)
D (70-79%)
HD (80-100%)
Had most, if not all, of
Presented with two of
Accomplished some of
Accomplished most of
Accomplished all, or
the following errors:
the following major
the following, with two or
the following to a high
nearly all, of the
Casual or unprofessional language for the task
Casual or unprofessional language
three errors:
Used professional language for the task,
standard, with one or two minor errors:
Used professional
following to a very high standard:
Used professional
Grammatical errors
Language choices that impacted audience understanding
Frequent pauses and filler words (um, uh, like) that disrupted communication
for the task
Grammatical errors
Language choices that impacted audience understanding
Frequent pauses and filler words (um, uh, like) that disrupted communication
including key terms from the unit
Few grammatical errors
Language choices substantially correct for audience understanding
Few, if any, pauses and filler words (um, uh, like) that disrupted
language for the task, including key terms from the unit
Free of grammatical errors
Language choices substantially correct for audience understanding
No pauses and filler
language for the task, including key terms from the unit
Free of grammatical errors
Language choices substantially correct for audience understanding
No pauses and filler
words (um, uh, like)
words (um, uh, like)
that disrupted communication
that disrupted communication
Had most, if not
Presented with three or more of the following major errors:
Lacked energy
Did not engage the audience
Spoke too quickly for audience understanding
Accomplished the
Accomplished most
Accomplished all,
all, of the following
following, with some
of the following to a
high standard, with
or nearly all, of the
following to a very
Lacked energy
Did not engage the audience
Spoke enthusiastically and worked to engage the audience
minor errors:
Spoke enthusiastically and worked to engage
the audience
high standard:
Spoke enthusiastically and worked to engage
the audience
Spoke too quickly for audience understanding
Spoke clearly and at a good pace
Spoke clearly and at a good pace
Spoke clearly and at a good pace
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Oral Presentation – Individual Mark: Contribution to Group, (5% Weighting)
Your contribution to your group has an impact on the overall quality of the presentation. The typical tasks carried out in group work closely reflect those of a professional business environment and, you are required to perform the necessary actions to support the success of your group. In doing so, you are building your own professional skills and behaviours for future employability.
F (0-49%)
P (50-59%)
C (60-69%)
D (70-79%)
HD (80-100%)
Contribution to Group
Had most, if not all, of the following errors:
Contributed barely and to a low standard within the team Google Doc
Did not advance group goals
Did not complete work on time
Did not foster a positive team environment
Had three of the following major errors:
Contributed occasionally to a low standard within the team Google Doc
Did not advance group goals
Did not complete work on time
Did not foster a positive team environment
Accomplished some of the following with two or three errors:
Contributed occasionally and to a good standard within the team Google Doc
Worked to advance group goals
Completed assigned work on time
Generally worked to foster a positive team environment
Accomplished most of the following to a high standard, with one or two minor errors:
Contributed frequently and to a good standard within the team Google Doc
Actively worked to advance group goals
Completed assigned work on time, and to a high standard
Consistently worked to foster a positive team environment
Accomplished all, or nearly all, of the following to a very high standard:
Contributed frequently and to a high standard within the team Google Doc
Actively worked to advance group goals
Completed assigned work on time, and to a high standard
Demonstrated leadership within the group
Consistently worked to foster a positive team environment
Frequently demonstrated leadership within the group
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Oral Presentation – Individual Mark: Reflection (5% Weighting)
F (0-49%)
P (50-59%)
C (60-69%)
D (70-79%)
HD (80-100%)
Reflection Content Development
Had most, if not all, of the following errors:
Did not use language that conveys meaning to readers with sufficient clarity
Contained numerous grammatical errors
Did not follow instructions
Did not identify areas of weakness and/or future improvement
Did not adequately analyse performance
Had three of the following major errors:
Did not use language that conveys meaning to readers with sufficient clarity
Contained numerous grammatical errors
Did not follow instructions
Did not identify areas of weakness and/or future improvement
Did not adequately analyse performance
Accomplished some of the following with two or three errors:
Used language that conveys meaning to readers with sufficient clarity
Contained few if any grammatical errors
Followed instructions
Identified areas of weakness and/or future improvement
Adequately analysed performance
Accomplished most of the following to a high standard, with one or two minor errors:
Used language that effectively conveys meaning to readers with clarify
Any grammatical errors do not impact the effectiveness of communication
Followed instructions
Fully identified areas of weakness and/or future improvement
Comprehensively analysed performance
Accomplished all, or nearly all, of the following to a very high standard:
Used language that skilfully and effectively conveys meaning to readers with clarify and fluency
Free of grammatical errors
Followed instructions
Fully identified areas of weakness and/or future improvement
Comprehensively analysed performance
Assessment 4: Final Assessment
Due Date: Examination Week (to be confirmed closer to date; refer to examination timetable)
Weighting: 30 %
Assessment Task
The Final Assessment will be held during the Examination Period and will take place online. Information about the Final Assessment will be provided during the study period.
 Duration: 2.5 hours
 Format:
o 20 Multiple Choice Questions
o 2 Case Study Questions – The Case Study will be provided to students in Week 12.
o 2 Short Answer Questions
Students will be notified of the date and time of the Final Assessment closer to the exam date.
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Supplementary Assessment / Exam
A supplementary assessment may be granted to a student by the Board of Examiners in order to provide an additional opportunity for a student to pass a unit. If a student passes a supplementary assessment their total mark will not change but their grade becomes a pass grade (PX – Pass with Supplementary).
Students who have qualified for a supplementary assessment will be notified by e-mail following the Board of Examiners. Generally, Supplementary assessments will be conducted between 5th -16th October 2020 unless otherwise advised by the College and students must be available to sit the assessment at the specified time otherwise the offer will be withdrawn.
It is the responsibility of students to be available to complete the requirements of a supplementary assessment.
A maximum of two supplementary assessments may be granted to the same student in a program.
For more information please refer to the Curtin College’s Supplementary Assessment Policy which is located under Policies and Procedures on the College’s website at http://www.curtincollege.edu.au.
Deferred Final Exam (if applicable)
Within two calendar days following the missed Final Exam complete the “Application for Assessment Extension Form” located on Moodle unit: Study Kiosk/Academic Forms & Documents and attach valid evidence, for example, a medical certificate/ or a letter from the counsellor, and a statement outlining the reasons for missing the final exam. Submit all documents to Reception in Building 205 or email them to help@curtincollege.edu.au.
Generally,Deferred Final Exams will be conducted between 29th September -16th October unless otherwise advised by the College and students must be available to sit the assessment at the specified time.
For information on the deferred assessment conditions, please refer to the Curtin College’s Assessment and Moderation Policy which is located under Policies and Procedures on the College’s website: http://www.curtincollege.edu.au

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